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Turkey Signs Normalization With Armenia, Azerbaijan Con

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  • Turkey Signs Normalization With Armenia, Azerbaijan Con

    18:19 12/10/2009

    The event called historical worldwide took place in Zurich
    Saturday. Armenian foreign minister Edward Nalbandian and his Turkish
    counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu signed the Armenian-Turkish normalization
    protocols. Anyway, not everyone evaluates this as positive...

    "Prior to the signing ceremony, rumor was spread over the possible
    non-signing of the protocols. The US Secretary of State Hillary
    Clinton, who had arrived at the site of the ceremony, suddenly returned
    to the hotel. Later it came known the parties were unable to reach an
    accord over the statements to follow the signing ceremony. The Armenian
    delegation was discontented with the remarks over Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue to be arisen in the statement, and the Turkish party expressed
    discontent with regard to the "Armenian Genocide" expression. After
    long discussions, the parties agreed to make no statements at
    all. Shaking hands and smiling at the cameras, the foreign ministers
    left the Zurich University building following the signing ceremony,"
    Moskovsky Komsomolets says.

    As one could have expected, the signing of Armenian-Turkish protocols
    faced the negative appraisal of the Azerbaijani party. "Armenia-Turkey
    normalization prior to the withdrawal of the Armenian forces from the
    Azerbaijani occupied territories contradicts to Azerbaijan's national
    interests and blows shade on the amiable relations between Azerbaijan
    and Turkey," Azerbaijani MFA statement said.

    In his turn, Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, who was attending
    the signing ceremony, hailed the event. "Russia is ready to back the
    process by carrying out cooperation programs with Armenia and Turkey,
    firstly, in the spheres of energy and communication," Russian FM said.

    According to the protocols, the parties agreed to open the border
    within two months, establish diplomatic relations, as well as trade
    and economic cooperation. However, so that all this comes real, the
    parliaments of two countries should validate the protocols. Though,
    even in case they are validated, will Armenia and Turkey be able to
    hold a dialogue? The oppositions to raise among the Armenian and
    Turkish people, who are not very delighted by the signing of the
    protocols, may cause instability in the region, experts think.