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ArmenTel Exclusive Right to Provide All Telco in Armenia until 2013

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  • ArmenTel Exclusive Right to Provide All Telco in Armenia until 2013

    Research and Markets: ArmenTel Is Granted the Exclusive Right to
    Provide All Telecommunications Services in Armenia Until 2013
    Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:30pm EDT

    DUBLIN--(Business Wire)--
    Research and Markets
    ( h/ee407f/armenia_telecoms)
    has announced the addition of the "Armenia - Telecoms, Mobile &
    Internet" report to their offering.

    The Armenia - Telecoms, Mobile & Internet report includes all research
    data and analysis on this country. Covering trends and developments in
    telecommunications, mobile, internet, broadband, infrastructure and

    The telecommunications sector in Armenia went into decline following
    the collapse of the former Soviet Union. Fixed-line teledensity fell
    by around 2% partly due to the prevailing socio-economic instability
    in the region triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union. But more
    significant a factor was that the country had failed to embrace any
    vigorous reform in the telecom sector.

    With steadily improving economic conditions, the telecoms sector has
    nevertheless been slow to respond. In the 2006/07 period positive
    signs were emerging for the sector, however; despite fixed line
    expansion continuing to be flat, mobile subscriber numbers were
    increasing by around 75% annually for a number of years, helped no
    doubt by the introduction of competition into the mobile market in
    2005. Growth in mobiles had slowed to 30% annually coming into 2009 as
    the faltering Armenian economy started to have a negative effect on
    the telecom market.

    Armenia's progress to a more competitive market has been
    slow. ArmenTel, the country's national telecom provider, was granted
    the exclusive right to provide all telecommunications services in
    Armenia, including public switched telephony services and mobile
    telephony, until 2013. As a consequence of this monopoly, no other
    company was able to provide international satellite services. The one
    segment of the market initially exempt from this monopoly was Internet

    Greek company Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (OTE) invested
    US$142.5 million in 1998 for a 90% equity stake in ArmenTel. The
    remaining 10% was retained by the Government of Armenia. OTE agreed to
    develop and expand the telecom infrastructure in Armenia, including
    the digitisation of the Public Switched Telephone Network. OTE also
    agreed to invest US$300 million in the country's telecommunications
    network by 2003, of which US$100 million was to be invested in

    However, amid growing dissatisfaction over the performance of the
    country's telecoms network, in November 2004 the government was under
    increasing pressure to do something about the ArmenTel monopoly. It
    reached a compromise agreement with ArmenTel to end its exclusive
    rights to provide a range of services, including GSM mobile services,
    satellite and mobile radio communications services in exchange for
    various other concessions, including the stipulation that only one
    alternative mobile operator would be allowed to operate in Armenia
    until 2009. ArmenTel was to also retain sole rights to Internet
    telephony and the use of fibre optic cables.

    The government subsequently made a controversial decision to choose
    Armenia's second mobile operator without transparent and competitive
    bidding; Karabakh Telecom (KT), a little-known Lebanese-owned company,
    was officially awarded a licence to operate a GSM network in Armenia.

    OTE put its 90% equity in ArmenTel up for sale in June 2006, offered
    to the market through a bidding process. Russian operator VimpelCom
    was the successful bidder, finally acquiring the stake in November
    2006. VimpelCom finalised the deal in April 2007 acquiring the
    remaining 10% of the shares of ArmenTel from the Government of Armenia
    to raise its equity holding in the company to 100%.

    In December 2007 the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) said
    that the government of Armenia planned to award a third mobile licence
    in 2008 based on the GSM 900/1800 standard. There was to be a call for
    an international tender with bidding for the licence which was due to
    start in May 2008 and to be completed by August 2008. A new
    commission, to be established by the government, would oversee the
    process. Orange Armenia was awarded a 15-year mobile operator licence
    in November 2008. The newly licensed operator was 100% owned by France
    Telecom (Orange).

    Key Highlights:

    * By December 2008 mobile penetration in Georgia had reached 85%,
    having increased more than fivefold in just three years; * In late
    2008 and into 2009, however, the mobile market was showing signs of
    stalling, as the country's faltering economy impacted on the telecom
    * On the positive front, a third mobile licence had been issued and
    the new player Orange Armenia had already invested heavily in its
    network and was aiming for a launch late in 2009;
    * It was also encouraging that ArmenTel had launched its 3G mobile
    service in October 2008 and had signed up almost 20,000 subscribers by
    March 2009;
    * Fixed-line growth in Armenia was slow; with still only 67% of the
    network digital by mid-2009, the big challenge facing ArmenTel was to
    complete the digitalisation program;
    * While there is a growing Internet awareness in the country, the
    Internet segment of the market remains sluggish, with user penetration
    down around 6% in early 2009;
    * Broadband Internet development has also been poor; the advent of
    wireless broadband/WiMAX service offerings in 2008/09 could allow for
    faster expansion, however;
    * Armenia's economy experienced a serious setback in 2008/09; it is
    hoped the progress being made in telecom sector reform would not
    suffer as a consequence of troubles in the wider economy.

    Report's Stats:

    * Armenia - key telecom parameters - 2008 - 2009
    * Category: 2008 - 2009 (e)
    * Fixed-line services:
    * Total number of subscribers: 650,000 - 675,000
    * Annual growth: 4% - 4%
    * Fixed-line penetration (population): 21% - 22%
    * Internet:
    * Total number of subscribers: 1120,000 - 127,000
    * Annual growth: 7% - 6%
    * Internet subscriber penetration (population): 4% - 4%
    * Mobile services:
    * Total number of subscribers (million): 2.56 - 2.90
    * Annual growth: 37% - 14%
    * Mobile penetration (population): 85% - 94%

    For more information visit e407f/armenia_telecoms

    Research and Markets
    Laura Wood, Senior Manager,
    [email protected]
    U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907
    Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716

    Copyright Business Wire 2009 3050+12-Oct-2009+BW20091012