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Will They Forgive Us?

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  • Will They Forgive Us?


    Asbarez l-they-forgive-us/
    Oct 9th, 2009

    By Heghinar Melkom Melkomian

    It just makes me wonder...

    I wonder, will my grandfather and his sister, who lost their parents
    and were orphaned at the age of 10 and 5 respectively, forgive me.

    Will my grandfather and his sister, who were the only ones in their
    family to survive the Armenian Genocide, forgive you.

    Will my grandfather and his sister, who were separated during the
    Genocide and were reunited by fate only 20 years after the genocide,
    forgive us...

    Nowadays, I am losing a lot of sleep over an issue, which I do not
    know if I have any influence on or not.

    I have been thinking about my grandfather, his sister, his other
    sisters and brothers, his parents, who were probably cousins with or
    knew your ancestors, who, in their turn, were probably cousins with
    or knew the ancestors of those Armenians who today live in Paris,
    Lebanon, America; to cut my list short, I can simply say, in almost
    every country in this world.

    Almost everyday I pass next to the beautiful buildings of the
    Government and Foreign Affairs Ministry, both on Republic Square,
    situated across from another, and I look at the worried faces of
    people signing the petition, protesting against the protocols or
    trying to understand what in the world are these people doing night
    and day in front of these buildings for the past ten or so days.

    The hostile Turkish-Armenian relations stretch way back in history;
    earlier than me, before my parents or even their parents were born.

    I am not a politician, neither a historian or journalist to allow
    myself to discuss the current political situation in Armenia,
    its further development or the reason why the Turks began hating
    our ancestors, but I know one thing and I know it very well, we and
    the Turks are not brother and sister and even if I were a hippie and
    believed in peace and making love not war, I could not accept Genocide-
    denying Turks as my good- willed neighbors or friends and Genocide-
    denying Turkey as our savior; a country that will help my beloved
    country to develop and grow!

    I don't know how to explain this all, but for me the possible opening
    of the Turkish-Armenian border, or should I say the opening of the
    Turkish-Armenian border is like a nightmare or a black and very
    bad absurdity.

    I just read Robert Fisk's article in the and I feel
    ashamed. All my life I have been told that I have to be proud because
    I am an Armenian, but right now one thing I definitely do not feel
    is pride.

    My name is Heghinar, I am the granddaughter of a man who barely escaped
    the claws of death not destined to him from above, but forced on to
    him; I am an Armenian, I live in Armenia, I am a citizen of Armenia,
    I represent my people, I represent my country, I know the truth of the
    Armenian Genocide and I believe in the independence and territorial
    integrity of Nagorno-Karabakh, I believe the lands of my ancestors,
    western Armenia, currently located in today's Turkey belong to us
    and not them, but who am I once the President of my country opens
    the doors of my house to the enemy and the Foreign Affairs Minister
    of my country signs a paper, which places the Turks on a pedestal,
    turns history upside-down, denies the Armenian Genocide and jeopardizes
    Nagorno-Karabakh's territorial integrity, scrubs off the little proof
    years have left us and flushes the blood, the sea of blood of the 1.5
    million innocent massacred Armenians in 1915 and dozens of Armenian
    men and adolescent boys and women and girls (we always forget to
    mention them) who knowingly signed away their life on their way to
    the most bizarre war I can imagine (Armenia demanding its lands back
    and Azerbaijan not returning something that does not even belong to
    it to begin with) down the toilet.

    Let me go over this one more time; I am Heghinar, I am a citizen of
    Armenia, I live in Armenia and if the President and Foreign Affairs
    Minister of my country sign a paper, which opens the doors of my
    home to enemy number one (Turkey) and announces that Karabakh does
    not belong to me but to enemy number two (Azerbaijan), a paper which
    maybe not verbally do so, but in its essence states that we Armenians
    are liars, all this has been a lie and my ancestors were liars and
    that enemy number one and two suffered because of the Armenians and
    not the other way round and all the blood shed is wasted and gets
    flushed down the toilet; who or what does all this make me?

    I represent my country, I am my country and I bear the face of
    my country. I tell you what the signing of this paper will make
    me. All this will make me a liar, my grandfather a liar, my mother
    who passed on the story to me a liar, my nation who believes in this
    story a liar. Next time I tell someone I am Armenian, I don't have
    to explain the location of this little country, because everybody
    has already pointed out its index finger to the liar. If I am my
    country, that means if my country agrees to the protocols, then
    I agree too. If I am my country, that means if my country does not
    recognize the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, then I do not too. If
    I am my country, that means if my country wants to forget about the
    Armenians Genocide, then I do too. If I am my country, that means
    if my country is a treasure hunter and chases 40 pieces of silver,
    long locked behind the Armenian-Turkish borders, then so do I...

    I cannot talk anymore, because two pages, 20 pages, even 200 pages
    will not be enough to explain how and what I feel. This, this chaos is
    what goes though my head every time I pass near the Republic Square,
    watch the news or hear people talk about this issue. You know when
    someone you love does something wrong and you try to justify that
    somehow, even though deep down inside you know it is wrong? That is
    how I have always treated my country: like my own child. This is not
    about politics and just to enlighten you, I am not a member of any
    party and I am not pro or against this or the past governments. I am
    a person who is for Armenia, I am a person who loves her motherland,
    I am a person who believes in her fatherland and finally I am a person
    who lives in her homeland because she wants and loves to and not has
    to. Every time my country makes a wrong move, I try to justify and
    understand my child, but today I am in a total state of shock. My child
    has stabbed me in the back; I feel ashamed, I feel sad, I feel lost.

    I don't know what can be done, because I have already signed against
    the protocol, tried to explain the reason why I am against the
    opening of the border especially at this specific cost and I intend to
    participate in any meeting, rally, protest against the signing of the
    protocols, I do not know what else I can do, how else can I contribute
    to the salvation of my country, how else can I ask the forgiveness of
    my ancestors and your ancestors who were brutally massacred thought
    the years of the Armenian Genocide, your father, brothers and uncles
    who went to die and thus prove the international community that they
    wholeheartedly believed that Karabakh belonged to us.

    Now tell me this; do you believe in ghosts? I know I don't, but what
    if, what if they do exist and do not tell me if is good, because I
    am trying to prove a point here. You have come with me this far, stay
    with me for another second. If you do not believe in ghosts rationally,
    please use your imagination and think that they do exist. The moment I
    began believing in ghosts fictionally, I started to lose sleep because
    I realized that I am afraid of the dark and that is the time when they
    say ghosts come out. I do not want to live in a country full of ghosts;
    the ghosts of the 1.5 million Genocide victims and survivals, those
    who died during the Karabakh war and all those who were defending
    these causes. I am afraid of ghosts, I am very afraid of ghosts,
    because if they do exist, they are definitely going to come and haunt
    every single one of us down, because we have disturbed their sleep!

    I am my country and a country haunted by ghosts is no longer a country,
    but a curse...