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Armenian Caucus Against Protocols' Historical Commission

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  • Armenian Caucus Against Protocols' Historical Commission

    ARMENIAN CAUCUS AGAINST PROTOCOLS' HISTORICAL COMMISSION /12/armenian-caucus-against-protocols-historical-c ommission/
    October 12, 2009

    WASHINGTON-On the eve of the signing of the Turkey-Armenia protocols,
    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and
    Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) were joined by lead Armenian Genocide Resolution
    sponsors Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and George Radanovich (R-Calif.) in
    expressing concerns about a provision in the agreements that the
    Turkish government is already using to call into question the truth
    of the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee
    of America (ANCA).

    "As leaders of the Armenia Caucus in the House of Representatives,
    we share the concern of the Armenian-American community regarding
    the possibility of creating a historical commission to review the
    events of 1915 to 1923. This is a thoroughly discredited idea,"
    noted the legislators in joint statement. "Turkey cannot be allowed
    to re-invent this tragic part of its history as a price for normal
    relations with Armenia. To do so means acquiescence in a charade that
    demeans the memory of so many victims."

    The statement went on to urge the Obama Administration to include
    the Armenian American community in the Turkey-Armenia negotiation
    efforts. "As Secretary of State Clinton and other senior officials work
    to maintain stability in the region, we urge them to take advantage
    of the knowledge and expertise of the Armenian-American community,
    which maintains strong ties to Armenia and is an invaluable source
    of information and counsel," stated the legislators.

    U.S. Department of Justice records show that Secretary of State
    Clinton, National Security Advisor Jones and other Administration
    officials have spoken repeatedly with Turkey's paid foreign agents,
    former House Speaker Dennis Hastert and former House Minority leader
    Dick Gephardt, but have not agreed to meet with ANCA representatives,
    despite repeated requests.

    The Congressional Caucus leaders also cited the stark difference "in
    economic, military and diplomatic power between Turkey and Armenia,"
    and urged the Administration to, "work to ensure that our diplomatic
    efforts serve to end the Turkish blockade of Armenia, without Turkish
    bullying of our Armenian ally into unwarranted concessions or a
    whitewash of one of history's true horrors."