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Tbilisi: Economic Minister Took Part In Baku-Hosted Meeting On BTK R

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  • Tbilisi: Economic Minister Took Part In Baku-Hosted Meeting On BTK R

    Mari Imedashvili

    Georgian Business Week
    Monday, October 12, 2009 - 06:55

    Progress has been reported on 600m USD project to extend rail service
    to Turkey that would link Georgia to Turkey and the European rail
    network. The coordination council for the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad
    announced Oct. 9 that the construction company entrusted to complete
    the project will be announced soon.

    With rehabilitation reconstruction and construction of new connecting
    railway line from Georgia's Marabda to the border of Turkey on the
    agenda, the bilateral council's seventh meeting was held in the
    Azerbaijani capital.

    The Georgian Economic Minister, his Azeri counterpart as well as heads
    of railway departments of both countries attended the meeting. The
    Georgian delegation was led by the Minister of Economic Development
    Zurab Pololikashvili.

    According to ministry's press statement posted on its website,
    Azeroshaat Service Construction Company and LTD Marabda-Krtsanisi
    railroad project management group presented information about the
    work already completed and the future priorities. Projects for the
    second stage of the project were also discussed.

    "This has been the seventh meeting already," said Mamuka Vatsadze, head
    of transport in the Ministry of Economic Development. "It was important
    that a tender was announced on the construction-rehabilitation of
    Marabda-Tetrtskharo segment."

    In his opinion, it is also important that Marabda-kartsakhi railroad
    project group was commissioned to revise the project and present the
    final version of the remaining two segments.

    "Construction is going on progressively and I am sure that the
    construction works will meet the deadline," Vatsadze said.

    The project involves 98 kilometers of new track to be built between
    Kars in eastern Turkey and Akhalkalaki in Georgia. Some 68 kilometers
    will be in Turkey with the remaining 30 kilometers in Georgia. The
    existing line from Akhalkalaki on to

    The new railroad is intended to provide an alternative route to the
    existing Kars Gyumri Akhalkalaki (Turkey-Armenia- Georgia) railway
    line which has been out of operation since 1993, when Turkey closed
    its border with Armenia in solidarity with Azerbaijan which went to
    war with Armenia over the breakway Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    A multi-lateral agreement to build the strategically important rail
    link was signed by the three countries in 2005. The European Union
    and the United States, however, have refused to support the project
    since the railroad bypasses Armenia.

    Azerbaijan is providing a 220m USD loan, repayable in 25 years,
    with an annual interest rate of 1 percent for the Georgian segment
    of the railroad.

    Construction works are scheduled to end in this year with the railway
    opening by next year.