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Developments Round The Nuclear Programme Of Iran

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  • Developments Round The Nuclear Programme Of Iran

    Sevak Sarukhanyan tics&nid=2053
    12 October 2009

    The domestic political crisis in Iran which active stage was
    finished in July caused new political developments round the Islamic
    Republic. Because of the arrests of the EU citizens the relations
    between European countries and Iran sharpened. At the same time the
    processes connected with the Iranian nuclear programme activated.

    This August the US president B. Obama laid down an indirect demand to
    Tehran to boost the collaboration with the International Atomic Energy
    Agency (IAEA) and to meet the demands of IAEA and the international
    community connected with the Iranian nuclear programme and to take
    off all the concerns about it.

    The second half of August and the beginning of September turned into
    the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear programme, into the weeks
    of discussions on possible military strike and the imposing economic
    sanctions against Iran and all these also put forward a big bunch of
    contradictions regarding international policy and security. At the
    same time, serious scandal was initiated by the French and the US
    foreign offices connected with the name of the IAEA secretary and his
    objectivity in the "Iranian issue". On 25 August the Deputy Foreign
    Minister of France stated during the press-conference that his agency
    has all the grounds to blame IAEA and its Secretary General Mohamed
    El-Baradai in concealing a number of important facts concerning the
    Iranian nuclear project from the international community. According
    to French and latter to American diplomats very important information
    about the Iranian nuclear programme, which IAEA possessed, was not
    included in the latest report of the agency, and statements about
    that information were made by its Secretary General only during his
    press-conference, which are not legal arrangements and, in fact,
    they cannot serve as a bases for applying legal measures against
    Tehran. In its turn, the IAEA Secretary General stated that "these
    accusations have political background" and added that "such statements,
    which are directed to prevent the work of the specialists and are
    aimed to deprive the agency of the authority of the independent and
    objective structure; they flaunt the regulations of the Agency and
    must be prevented".

    But the latter developments, including new accusations by the
    American representative in the IAEA, came to prove that the scandal
    is not going to fade down. Touching upon those facts, which the IAEA
    secretary concealed, the American representative said that he meant
    the last statement by Baradei "that the relations with Iran are at
    the deadlock" and that statement was not included in the latest IAEA
    report. But in reality the IAEA report was devoted to the Iranian
    nuclear researches, applied its technical side and even with the best
    will in the world it could not include in its report such a statement
    of no-technical character as "the relations are at the deadlock". As
    a rule, such estimations were given by the IAEA Secretary General
    at the press-conferences and official communications, which, really,
    deprive them of their legal position and turn them into the evaluations
    of political character. Both French and Americans are well aware
    of that and thus it would be incorrect to regard the accusations
    directed against El-Baradei from legal point of view. The problem is
    more of political character and can be conditioned by the following
    important factors:

    The US, France and Great Britain intend to raise the issue of the new
    economic sanctions against Iran at the UN General Assembly and Security
    Council sessions. The last IAEA report does not afford legal ground
    for such sanctions, as Iran's entire nuclear activity, including the
    uranium enrichment, does not violate international legal norms and
    the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Under such
    conditions while talking about the "concealed facts" the Western
    states create basis to start the discussions on the imposing of the
    sanctions which would not be based on the IAEA report.

    France has activated its "Iranian policy" in recent years, it tries
    to exert extra-pressure on Iran, and this is conditioned by the fact
    that the Ahmadinejad government makes everything to deprive French
    "Total" Oil and Gas Company of its multi-billion contracts with Iran
    and push it out of the Iranian energy sphere.

    Washington, in its turn, continues the political line, which was
    adopted during the presidency of George W. Bush, directed at the
    vitiation of the IAEA and pursues the aim to deprive the IAEA of the
    monopoly on the struggle against proliferation of the nuclear weapons
    and distribute those responsibilities among separate states, which
    will allow the US to assume the measures, including military measures,
    against one state or another in order to prevent the creation of the
    nuclear potential.

    As for Iran, the scandalous situation around the IAEA created rather
    positive background for Tehran to continue the negotiations on its own
    nuclear programme from more favourable positions. M. El-Baradai and
    the IAEA indirectly became the defenders of Iran and the discrepancies
    in the international community give a bigger room for manoeuvre.

    The discussions of the nuclear programme in Iran activated mainly
    at the end of August because the domestic political developments in
    Iran in July and August sidelined the public discussion. The open
    letter by the former presidential elections participant M. Karroubi to
    the Chairman of the Assembly of Experts Hashemi Rafsanjani in which
    he presented numerous examples and facts of violence in regard to
    the arrested oppositionists and the mass rapes of women in Iranian
    prisons pushed discussions on all other developments, including the
    discussions on nuclear programme, out of the Iranian political and
    information fields. This was also promoted by the process of the
    formation of the government.

    But already at the end of August when Iran again rejected the proposal
    of the IAEA and the demand of B. Obama the nuclear issue re-gained
    its important place in Iranian political process.

    Thus, on September 9 Iranian party presented another "reciprocal
    concession proposal" on nuclear issue to the IAEA and the "six"
    (Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, China) which aim was "to
    eliminate all the discrepancies between Iran and the "six". Though the
    Iranian proposals were not voiced officially, according to European
    diplomats, there is "nothing new" in them and they do not imply the
    halting or the restriction of the uranium enrichment by Iran, which is
    the main demand made to Tehran. Though Iran agreed to negotiate over
    its package of proposals, no serious turnaround on its position can
    be expected from Iran. This is proved by the statement of the leader
    of Iran A. Khamenei made during his Friday Sabbatical on September 11:
    "You must stay firm in the protection of your legitimate interests in
    all the fields including nuclear one. The abandonment of your claims
    means defeat".

    Let us mention that such an approach by Iran, which has already become
    traditional, is conditioned not mainly by the nuclear programme but
    also by the developments in the domestic policy which took place in the
    Islamic Republic. The aggravation of the contradictions with the West
    can partially divert the attention of the society from the developments
    in the domestic policy and relax the domestic contradictions.

    At present the top priority for Iran is the avoidance from the
    decisions about new sanctions which can be made at the sessions of
    UN General Assembly and Security Council. The EU and the US, despite
    their tough stance, would also like to avoid such a prospect because
    after the last sanctions imposed two years ago the next step should
    be the restrictions on buying Iranian oil to which the West is not
    ready, especially amid the financial and economic instability under
    the current global crisis.

    The proposal of France to arrange the meeting between the high-ranked
    representatives of Iran and the "six", which is now being arranged by
    the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
    Javier Solana, was conditioned by the aim to avoid the imposing of the
    sanction on Iran. Meanwhile, the information that Iran is building new
    uranium enrichment plant makes the negotiations even more complicated.

    However, despite the fact that during such a meeting the ice around
    the Iranian nuclear programme would hardly melt, it can be a ground
    for the Western states not to impose serious sanctions on Iran. And
    as for Iran the situation round its nuclear programme is only playing
    into its hands, because the resumed negotiations, meetings and new
    official proposals legitimate the re-elected president of Iran and
    his government which became rather topical after the latest clashes,
    victims and arrests.