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Turkey: Rocky Road Ahead For Reconciliation With Armenia

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  • Turkey: Rocky Road Ahead For Reconciliation With Armenia


    Eurasia Insight ticles/eav101209b.shtml
    Yigal Schleifer

    The October 10 protocols on reconciliation signed by Turkey and
    Armenia may signal a milestone in the history of the South Caucasus,
    but Turkish experts warn that serious hurdles still stand in the way
    of the two countries actually opening up their borders.

    The protocols to be signed call for the renewal of diplomatic ties,
    opening of the common border and the establishment of a historical
    commission to investigate the mass murder of Armenians by Ottoman
    forces during World War I.

    The only catch, analysts point out, is that the protocols will only
    go into effect once the parliaments in both countries ratify them. In
    Turkey, domestic opposition could stand in the way of that happening.

    Î"×~P£The road to restoring Turkish-Armenian relations is
    rocky,Î"×~PÂ¥ said Amanda Akcakoca, a Turkey expert at The European
    Policy Centre, a Brussels-based think tank.

    Î"×~P£Signing it is not the same thing as having it ratified in
    parliament. ThatÎ"×~Pשs going to be the hard part.Î"×~PÂ¥

    For Turkey, the Nagorno-Karabakh issue could stand in the way of the
    protocolsÎ"×~Pש ratification. Turkey is AzerbaijanÎ"×~Pשs strongest
    ally, and Ankara imposed its economic blockade on Armenia in 1993 to
    support BakuÎ"×~Pשs efforts to retain control over Karabakh.

    During a May 14 address to the Azerbaijani parliament, Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared "that the border between
    Turkey and Armenia will be open only after the full liberation of
    the Azerbaijani occupied territories."

    Although the recently released protocols make no mention of a
    linkage between the normalization of Turkish-Armenian ties and the
    Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, parliamentarians from the ruling
    Justice and Development Party (AKP) have warned that it would be hard
    to pass the protocols without any progress on Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Speaking soon after the protocols were signed, Erdogan also seemed
    to again link the two processes. Î"×~P£We want all conflicts to be
    resolved and we want all borders to be opened at the same time,Î"×~PÂ¥
    Erdogan said in a televised speech. Î"×~P£(But) as long as Armenia
    does not withdraw from the occupied territories in Azerbaijan, Turkey
    cannot take up a positive position.Î"×~PÂ¥

    Î& quot;×~P£If problems between Azerbaijan and Armenia are resolved, the
    public would more easily accept Turkish-Armenian relations. Approval in
    the Turkish National Assembly would be so much easier,Î"×~PÂ¥ he said.

    For its part, the Azerbaijani government said on October 11 that
    the agreement Î"×~P£clouds the spirit of brotherly relationsÎ"×~PÂ¥
    between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    Still, experts point out that despite the opposition to the deal,
    moving ahead on restoring ties with Armenia makes strategic and
    political sense for Turkey, a European Union candidate country that
    has ambitions to play a larger political and diplomatic role in the
    surrounding region and to establish itself as an important energy
    transit route.

    Î"×~P£The invasion of Georgia last summer really concentrated
    minds in the region. Energy routes are the biggest game in town,
    and you need security and stability and access for that,Î"×~PÂ¥ said
    Semih Idiz, an Ankara-based foreign affairs columnist for the daily
    Milliyet. Î"×~P£Restoring relations with Armenia can create all
    kinds of synergy for regional cooperation and stability.Î"×~PÂ¥

    Diplom atic ties with Yerevan can also buff AnakaraÎ"×~Pשs image in
    the EU, he added.

    Î"×~P£It brings credibility to the vision of zero problems with
    neighbors and for cooperating in the region and Turkey gains
    credibility in terms of its EU dimension,Î"×~PÂ¥ Idiz said.

    Editor's Note: Yigal Schleifer is a freelance reporter based in