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Turkish Media: Parliament Approval Depends On Nagorno-Karabakh Dispu

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  • Turkish Media: Parliament Approval Depends On Nagorno-Karabakh Dispu


    2009-10-13 11:38:00

    ArmInfo. Following the signing of a protocol on Saturday between
    Turkey and Armenia to establish diplomatic relations, the approval
    process of the protocol in the Turkish Parliament will begin after
    Armenia withdraws from Nagorno- Karabakh, an Azerbaijani territory,
    government sources told Today's Zaman.

    Justice and Development Party (AK Party) parliamentary group deputy
    chairman Bekir Bozdag said the approval process of the agreement will
    depend on Armenia's withdrawal from the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    Stressing that the entire world wants the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    to be settled, parliamentary foreign affairs committee spokesman
    and AK Party deputy Suat Kiniklloglu said: "The internal process
    in Parliament is, of course, clearly defined in the regulations of
    Parliament. It will first come to the foreign affairs committee and
    will be debated there. If it passes the committee, then it will be
    sent to the advisory council of the speaker's office and from there
    it would be sent to the floor of the general assembly.

    When and how this process will fare is dependent on parallel
    processes. Here the political will and courage of the Azerbaijani
    and Armenian leadership is key. The Minsk Group demonstrated its
    support during and before the signing ceremony. Not only Turkey and
    our Parliament but the whole world is expecting positive movement
    on Karabakh."

    Kiniklloglu said a significant step has been taken toward
    normalization in the southern Caucasus, as he added: "This is a
    historic process. We welcome the overall optimism and encourage the
    parties to take appropriate steps to further strengthen the ongoing
    process of normalization in the South Caucasus. We always maintained
    that Turkish-Armenian normalization is forcing the South Caucasus to
    be transformed into a stable and predictable neighborhood of Turkey."

    The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) and the Nationalist
    Movement Party (MHP) accused the government of taking a "backward
    step" in Turkish foreign policy by signing the deal with Armenia and
    say the protocol will place Azerbaijan in a difficult situation and
    should not be approved by Parliament. CHP deputy leader Onur Oymen
    said the protocol, which he said included the demands of Armenia,
    does not have any chance of being approved by Parliament, while MHP
    group deputy chairman Oktay Vural called on the entire nation to stand
    up against the approval of the protocol in the Turkish Parliament.