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Ankara: MHP Criticizes Baykal For Planning To Meet PM Erdogan

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  • Ankara: MHP Criticizes Baykal For Planning To Meet PM Erdogan


    Today's Zaman
    14 October 2009, Wednesday

    Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahceli, speaking
    at his party's parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday, lashed out
    at Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal's acceptance
    of an invitation from the prime minister to meet and talk about the
    government's Kurdish initiative.

    Criticizing Baykal's acceptance of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan's invitation to talk about the Kurdish initiative -- a
    plan announced by the government this summer as a means to find a
    peaceful settlement for the country's long-standing Kurdish question by
    extending the rights of Kurds and isolating supporters of separatist
    terror -- Bahceli accused the CHP of being a member of a "destructive
    troika," along with the Justice and Development Party (AK Party)
    and the Democratic Society Party (DTP).

    "The AK Party, which plays the leading role in the so-called Kurdish
    initiative process that will end with the disintegration of Turkey
    and dissolution of the Turkish nation, have made some improvements
    in the last week in their quest to look for crutches and accomplices
    and contacted the CHP, following their contact with the DTP," he said.

    He also recalled that Baykal had set the presence of television crews
    as a condition of meeting with Erdogan. He said, "A meeting going on
    in front of cameras rolling won't save the CHP from the responsibility
    of the process."

    According to the MHP leader, the CHP has given into blackmailing by
    the AK Party, which pointed to many similarities between a Kurdish
    report the CHP had released in 1989 and the ideas being discussed as
    part of the government's Kurdish initiative. "It is obvious that in
    this report there are points similar to those being voiced by the AK
    Party and its collaborators today. For this reason, he would either
    have to deny his views from 21 years ago or continue to defend them.

    He had no way out. Prime Minister Erdogan has turned this [report]

    In his speech he also criticized two protocols signed on Saturday
    with Armenia to normalize ties and establish diplomatic relations
    between the two countries, saying the deal was part of the AK Party's
    submissive foreign policy.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress