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Clinton Fails To Win Russia Pledge On Iran Sanction

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  • Clinton Fails To Win Russia Pledge On Iran Sanction

    By Jeff Mason and Michael Stott

    Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:23pm EDT

    MOSCOW, Oct 13 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    failed to win specific pledges from Moscow on tougher sanctions against
    Iran during a visit to Russia on Tuesday but hailed progress in other
    areas such as arms control.

    A senior U.S. official had said before the talks that Clinton wanted
    to know "what specific forms of pressure Russia would be prepared
    to join us and our other allies in" if Iran did not keep promises to
    the international community not to pursue nuclear weapons.

    But Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov restated at a news conference with
    Clinton Russia's position that any talk of sanctions against Iran at
    this stage was counter-productive.

    "All forces should be aimed at supporting talks," he said.

    A U.S. official later told reporters of the Russian side: "They said
    they weren't ready in this context to talk specifically about what
    steps they would be willing to take."

    The Russian side preferred to discuss any possible moves against Iran
    in the context of the United Nations, the official added, speaking
    on condition he was not identified.

    Clinton praised "very comprehensive and productive" discussions with
    Lavrov, saying they were further evidence of the "reset" in formerly
    rocky U.S.-Russia relations.

    "I feel very good about the so-called reset," she said.

    Clinton insisted at the news conference she had not sought specific
    commitments from Moscow on Iran.

    "We did not ask for anything today," she said. "We reviewed the
    situation and where it stood, which I think was the appropriate timing
    for what this process entails."

    Clinton, on her first visit to Russia since taking her post, quoted
    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev as saying sanctions against Iran
    might be inevitable.

    A U.S. official later told reporters Medvedev had told her he expected
    Iran to implement its promises on its nuclear programme and if it
    did not "there should be sanctions".

    "That was ring," the senior State Department official said.

    Medvedev has previously made it clear Moscow is ready to back further
    sanctions against the Islamic Republic unless it changes course on
    its nuclear programme, despite Russia's general reluctance to support
    such punitive measures.

    Lavrov said "considerable progress" had been made by U.S. and Russian
    negotiators towards a new bilateral treaty cutting their stocks of
    strategic nuclear weapons.

    They are working to a deadline of December for concluding a treaty
    to replace the Cold War-era START pact.


    Clinton did not address sensitive issues such as human rights
    and democracy at the news conference but met rights activists and
    opposition journalists privately at the U.S. ambassador's residence.

    Clinton told them, in a reference to killings of Russian journalists
    and rights activists:

    "A society cannot be truly open when those who stand up and speak
    out are murdered. And people cannot trust in the rule of law when
    killers act with impunity."

    At a Boeing design centre later she said the United States linked
    human rights with economic growth. She also said there was "reason
    to hope" Boeing would get a contract to build aircraft for Russia's
    new state-run airline.

    Clinton met Medvedev at his Barvikha residence outside Moscow, where
    the president praised U.S.-Russian efforts to broker a peace deal
    between Turkey and Armenia as "a good example of our cooperation".

    But Clinton did not see the man most diplomats, analysts and ordinary
    Russians consider the true ruler of Russia -- Prime Minister Vladimir
    Putin. Putin is on a visit to China.

    President Barack Obama's decision to scrap plans for an anti-missile
    system located in eastern Europe has helped improve ties with Moscow
    after stormy relations under George W. Bush.

    Diplomats say that in return, the United States now wants better
    Russian cooperation on an array of foreign policy issues such as the
    U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, Iran, missile defence and the nuclear
    arms reduction treaty.

    On missile missile system to replace the Bush-era plan for fixed
    radars and anti-missile batteries in central Europe which had upset
    the Kremlin.

    He was non-committal on U.S. proposals the two sides cooperate on
    missile defence.

    "The more we know about this concept, the sooner we will come to
    an understanding of whether we can work jointly on a project," he
    said. (Additional reporting by Conor Sweeney)

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