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AAA: Support For Armenian Genocide Resolution Continues to Grow

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  • AAA: Support For Armenian Genocide Resolution Continues to Grow

    For Immediate Release
    October 16,2009
    Contact: Michael A. Zachariades
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (202) 393-3434


    Armenian Assembly Efforts Yield Results

    Washington, DC - Since the protocols to establish diplomatic relations
    between Armenia and Turkey were announced in August, the Armenian
    Genocide resolution, H.Res. 252, has garnered an additional seven
    cosponsors, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). This
    brings the total number of supporters to 134.

    "The Assembly welcomes the support of Reps. Brian Bilbray (R-CA);
    Elton Gallegly (R-CA); Darrell Issa (R-CA); Steve Israel (D-NY); John
    Hall (D-NY); Laura Richardson (D-CA) and Mike Thompson (D-CA)," said
    Assembly Congressional Relations Associate Bianka Dodov. "We look
    forward to continuing to work with Congress on this important human
    rights initiative," added Executive Director Bryan
    Ardouny. "U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide should not be held
    hostage to normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey."

    Ardouny and Dodov met with Congressman Bilbray to discuss issues
    concerning the Armenian-American community. Bilbray expressed interest
    in working with the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues,
    Co-Chaired by Reps. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL), to
    further strengthen the U.S.-Armenia relationship. During the meeting,
    the Congressman also pledged his support regarding H.Res. 252.

    "I support the resolution," said Bilbray. Currently, Bilbray serves on
    the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the Committee
    on Veterans' Affairs and the Science and Technology Committee. He is
    also a member of the House Republican Policy Committee and the
    Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus.

    Recently, Assembly Western Region Director Yeghig Keshishian and
    Southern Regional Council Member Al Cabraloff met with Rep. Richardson
    and discussed the Armenian Caucus, which the Congresswoman has also
    joined, as well as cosponsoring H.Res. 252. Adding her support to the
    Armenian Genocide Resolution, Richardson said, "I am proud to
    co-sponsor H. Res. 252, the Affirmation of the United States Record on
    the Armenian Genocide Resolution."

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public
    understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
    501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.



    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress