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Stephen Barnett, California Supreme Court Expert, Dies At 73

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  • Stephen Barnett, California Supreme Court Expert, Dies At 73

    By Andrew Cohen, School of Law

    UC Berkeley
    16 October 2009

    BERKELEY -- Stephen Barnett, professor emeritus at the University of
    California, Berkeley, School of Law, died of complications resulting
    from cardiac arrest on Tuesday, Oct. 13. He was 73.

    Stephen BarnettStephen Barnett (Jim Block photo) Barnett was a
    prominent expert on intellectual property law; the news media; the
    legal institutions of California, principally the California Supreme
    Court; and First Amendment issues.

    "In his scholarship, Steve was a devastating critic of the practices of
    the California Supreme Court and the California State Bar Association,"
    said Berkeley Law professor Melvin Eisenberg. "He did a lot of acute,
    penetrating research that no one else has done regarding judicial
    transparency and legitimacy."

    Berkeley Law Associate Dean and professor Stephen Sugarman said Barnett
    "was probably California's leading analyst and critic of the way
    the California Supreme Court goes about its business - how promptly
    it delivers its decisions, when the judges prepare their opinions,
    the Court's control over the briefs of parties and the role of oral
    argument, and the role of unpublished opinions and de-published
    opinions of lower California courts."

    Born on Dec. 25, 1935, in Brooklyn, New York, Barnett was raised
    in West Hartford, Conn., by his parents, Leona (Nurkin) Barnett and
    Abraham M. Barnett. He graduated from the Loomis School in Windsor,
    Conn., and was editor of The Loomis Log.

    In 1957, Barnett graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University,
    where he was president of the Harvard Crimson. He also went to law
    school at Harvard, serving as note editor of the Harvard Law Review
    and graduating magna cum laude in 1962.

    After law school, Barnett spent a year as a law clerk in New York
    to the late Judge Henry J. Friendly of the U.S. Court of Appeals
    for the Second Circuit. He then clerked for one year for the late
    Justice William J. Brennan Jr. of the U.S. Supreme Court b, Steen &
    Hamilton in New York and Washington, D.C. He joined the UC Berkeley
    School of Law faculty in 1967, where he taught classes in copyright
    and trademarks, torts and California legal institutions.

    >>From 1977 to 1979, Barnett served in the U.S. Justice Department
    as a deputy solicitor general, briefing and arguing cases before the
    U.S. Supreme Court. He then returned to the Berkeley Law faculty and
    was awarded the Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Chair in 1990.

    "Steve became the leading critical commentator on the problems
    generated by federal legislation allowing the newspaper industry
    to enter into production and revenue-sharing agreements under the
    umbrella of antitrust immunity," said Berkeley Law professor Richard
    Buxbaum. "In legislative hearings, participation in litigation, and
    innumerable op-ed pieces, he kept this problematic exception under
    constant public scrutiny."

    Buxbaum added that Barnett also maintained a leading role "in shaping
    public policy concerning the industrial structure and public regulation
    of both print and visual media, which brought him international
    attention. He was an important participant in the academic studies that
    influenced new European regulations of these sectors in the 1980s."

    Barnett co-authored the book Law of International Telecommunications
    in the United States in 1988, which provided the first comparative
    evaluations of national data on the subject and analyzed the role of
    international organizations in facilitating such communications.

    "Professor Barnett's wide engagement with legal systems and legal
    education in many other countries allowed him both to help other
    nations benefit from American insights and practices and to help us
    think about ways of improving ours," said Sugarman.

    Barnett, who lectured in many countries, was a visiting professor
    at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, in 1981 and at the
    University of Paris in 1987. He also served as a visiting fellow
    at the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, Germany, in 1983 and at the
    University of Sydney in 1 t was a contributing commentary writer to
    California Lawyer magazine, and served as nonresident dean of the
    law department at the American University of Armenia in Yerevan,
    Armenia. He retired from Berkeley Law in 2003.

    Toward the end of Barnett's teaching career, his litigation included
    a 1999 suit that compelled California's Commission on Judicial
    Performance to disclose the way its individual members vote, and
    a suit that the California State Bar settled in 2001 by allowing
    board-of-governors candidates to make policy statements on the
    election ballot.

    Barnett is survived by his wife, Karine, their son, Alexander, and
    his stepson, Levon. He also leaves behind his sister, Linda Beizer
    of Avon, Conn., and three nephews: Bill Beizer of Newton, Mass.,
    Jon Beizer of Hillsborough, Calif., and Matt Beizer of Simsbury, Conn.

    "Steve was a wonderful stepfather to Levon, and as he pondered his
    life accomplishments at retirement he rued the fact that he had
    never fathered any children of his own," said Barnett's sister. "He
    became a father for the first time to Alexander at age 69, and they
    spent virtually every waking hour together and enjoyed a very close

    A private service honoring Barnett's life is being planned by the

    Donations in Barnett's memory may be made to the Parkinson Association
    of Northern California, (916) 489-0226.