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Monument To The Great Armenian Poet And Ashug Sayat-Nova Established

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  • Monument To The Great Armenian Poet And Ashug Sayat-Nova Established


    16.10.2009 18:04 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The bust of the Armenian poet, ashug Sayat-Nova
    was established October 16 at the center of Yerevan.

    "We must remember our brilliant and talented ashugs. They have enriched
    our culture and laid the basis for its further development, " a French
    sculptor of Armenian origin, the author of the bust Toros Raskelenian
    said. Toros Raskelenian was awarded the Legion of Honor of the French
    Republic and the Order of Movses Khorenatsi of the Republic of Armenia.

    Toros Raskelenian as early as in April this year, expressed willingness
    to gift a monument to Sayat-Nova to Yerevan, the monument is dedicated
    to the memory of the sculptor's mother.

    The bust unveiling ceremony was attended by the mayor of Yerevan
    Gagik Beglaryan and the Minister for Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan.

    "We will try to have as much as possible such remarkable sculptures
    in Yerevan," the mayor Gagik Beglaryan said.

    Sayat-Nova, Haroutiune Sayadyan - (1712-1795), Armenian poet,
    musician, ashug (Caucasian folk poet and singer), a master of
    love poetry, was born in a family of a native of Aleppo settled
    in Tiflis. Nineteen-year-old young men he had left to wander for 7
    years. It is still a riddle which countries had Haroutiune Sayadyan

    He returned Tiflis with Sayat-Nova name, which means "king of songs"
    or "lord of music" in Hindi, as Hovhannes Tumanyan suggested.

    Rumour about the amazing ashug immediately spread over the town. After
    listening to the singing of Sayat-Nova, King Irakli II generously
    rewarded him and made his court ashug .

    Sayat-Nova, serving as the head of the palace ensemble, lived at
    the court more than 10 years and eventually became a victim of the
    intrigues of the nobles. The king told him to take the vows. Sayat
    Nova was named Stepanos, obtained the rank of Archimandrite and
    became a member of the brotherhood of the Haghpat Monastery near the
    Georgian border.

    He remained there until of war with a fierce eunuch Agha Mohammed
    Khan fro Turkic dynasty of Qajars, occupied the Persian throne. In
    1795 Tflis fell under the onslaught of hordes of Aga Mohammad-Khan
    and the 83-year-old monk was found killed in the Armenian cathedral
    church of Surb Gevorg. Sayat Nova was buried in the place of his
    death - under the north wall of the Church of Surb Gevorg.