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Armenian Leader Sums Up Response To Diaspora's Concerns Over Turkish

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  • Armenian Leader Sums Up Response To Diaspora's Concerns Over Turkish


    Public Television of Armenia
    Oct 8 2009

    [Presenter] Summarizing his All-Armenian [diaspora] tour President
    Serzh Sargsyan has commented on concerns [over normalization of ties
    with Turkey] expressed most frequently during the past days at a
    session of the National Security Council. "It is much more important
    for us to listen to possible approaches and to receive as much advice
    as possible on this issue; I believe we have succeeded in this",
    the president of the country said.

    [Sargsyan speaking at the session] During the tour a question was
    frequently posed on whether these consultations are held too late,
    taking into consideration that the protocols [on normalization of
    the ties] had already been initialed. I believe that only those who
    genuinely believe that normalization of relations between Armenia and
    Turkey ends with putting initials under the protocols can think this
    way. Of course it is not the case. For me discussions which took place
    in the diaspora were extremely important in regard of planning our
    strategy and tactics in each link of a complex and effort-intensive
    chain - from initialing to signing, from signing to ratification, and
    from ratification to implementation. During the meeting a concern was
    frequently voiced that Armenia does not have sufficient resources -
    human, financial-economic, political - in regard of organizing those
    relations as an equal one with an equal one. I believe this is a
    wrong approach. Yes, we face the need to mobilize our resources,
    and also to use Diaspora's potential in a full-fledged way. However,
    I believe, this argument cannot be sufficient for isolating ourselves
    inside the country.

    [Presenter] The president of the republic spoke about the concerns
    that establishment of relations and opening of borders may lead to
    economic and demographic expansion [of Turkey over Armenia]. Sargsyan
    said that this is the same as to suppose that the best remedy for a
    headache is cutting the head off.

    [Sargsyan] I have had an occasion to reconfirm our position that we do
    not believe that the protocols may be read as documents which restrict
    Armenia's negotiating positions in the Nagornyy Karabakh issue. Both
    concerns of our compatriots and statements periodically voiced by the
    Turkish leadership regarding this issue are understandable. Of course,
    all processes may impact each other in our small region. This is about
    a different thing - and we will never go into unilateral concessions
    in the Nagornyy Karabakh issue irrespective of what processes are
    taking place, or of what we may be promised in return for that.