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NKR: Out-Of-Service Enterprises Were Liquidated

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  • NKR: Out-Of-Service Enterprises Were Liquidated


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    October 13, 2009

    At the NKR Government Session

    Today, a regular session of the NKR Government, which was conducted
    by the Prime Minister Ara Haroutynyan has taken place.

    A number of agenda issues were dedicated to new law projects. The
    Executive has gave approval to the NKR law projects "On Firm Names" and
    "On General Education", proposed changes and additions to the NKR laws
    "On Social Maintenance Cards", "On State Pensions", "On Licensing",
    "On State Duty", and "On NKR Administrative Territorial Division". The
    legislative beginnings will be submitted to the discussion of the
    NKR NA.

    The other group of the discussed issues concerned the economic sphere.

    The Government affirmed the regulations concerning mineral waters,
    by which technical demands for its safety; production, processing,
    and packing were defined. The Ministry of Healthcare was charged
    with a task to submit to the affirmation of the Government the list
    of mineral waters and sources of raw materials and springs.

    The started economic process directly concerns the future destiny
    of the mentioned enterprise. The Executive resolved to liquidate
    the electro technical plant of Stepanakert retaining its accounts
    receivable and rights for other demands to the NKR Ministry of
    Finance. Similar decision was made in concern with "Metax" CJSC
    as well. While introducing the issue, the Minister of Economic
    Development B. Babayan noted that the mentioned enterprises execute
    nearly no economic activity; therefore it is expedient to liquidate
    them. The Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan charged the Minister with a
    task to make appropriate steps for purposeful usage of the property
    and the territory of these enterprises and to provide investments
    for new economic activities.

    At the session, the Minister of Economic Development B. Babayan came
    out with account on the existent state in the sphere of stock-taking
    and management of the state property. He noted that a corresponding
    division had been already founded in the ministry, a centralized
    system and data collection base is functioning, and corresponding
    legal acts were adopted.

    At present 641 buildings and constructions are included in general
    stock-taking, though there are a lot of buildings out of registration,
    the minister emphasized. B. Babayan came forward with proposals, which
    were assigned to competent structures as governmental instructions. The
    Prime Minister charged the Minister with a task to submit an account
    on executed activities quarterly.

    The Executive has introduced amendments and additions into the
    Government decree N2 "On State Pensions" dated January 3, 2004,
    for securing implementation of the law. In particular, wemen having
    at least 35 years of insurance length of service are allowed to be
    granted pension one year sooner.

    The Executive affirmed the order of the students' passing from one
    higher educational institution to another. According to the new order
    the passing is conducted by approbation of the two rectors. The
    students studying at the target places are prohibited to change

    By proposal of K.Petrosyan, the Head of Industrial Infrastructures
    adjunct to the NKR Government, the Executive introduced an amendment
    into the government decree N449, dated June 20, 2008, according to
    which the tender on technical inspection licensing will take place
    even in case of only one application submission.

    By the last agenda issue the Executive introduced a change in
    the temporary scheme of land use of the Hadrout region's rural
    community. 0.5 hectares of pasture being the community property
    of agricultural significance were transfered into the category of
    productive meaning.