Film spoils Turkey-Israel relations
17:28 / 10/17/2009
As informed earlier, Turkey-Israel relations are tensed. The
situation was fueled by Turkish TV transmitting scenes of an Israeli
murdering a child.
The series where Israel Defense Forces (IDF) appear cruel infanticide
was the last drop that broke a camel's back. In this regard, Israeli
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for Ambassador of Turkey to
Israel. According to Lieberman these scenes would provoke hatred
towards Israel.
Film spoils Turkey-Israel relations
17:28 / 10/17/2009
As informed earlier, Turkey-Israel relations are tensed. The
situation was fueled by Turkish TV transmitting scenes of an Israeli
murdering a child.
The series where Israel Defense Forces (IDF) appear cruel infanticide
was the last drop that broke a camel's back. In this regard, Israeli
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for Ambassador of Turkey to
Israel. According to Lieberman these scenes would provoke hatred
towards Israel.