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ANKARA: Reducing historical baggage

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  • ANKARA: Reducing historical baggage

    Sunday's Zaman , Turkey
    Oct 18 2009

    Reducing historical baggage


    Finally, the frozen history between Armenia and Turkey has begun to
    thaw with the signing of the protocols in Zurich on Oct. 10, aiming at
    initiating diplomatic relations and opening up borders. This was no
    easy task. On one side is a nation whose collective identity is shaped
    by mourning and grieving at a `Great Catastrophe' that left them
    bereft of a country, the present Turkish heartland, and a history that
    both peoples shared until the first quarter of the 20th century. On
    the other side there is a nation that views its past as a series of
    betrayals and irredentist uprisings by peoples of the imperial state
    such as the Armenians, who deserved the outcome of their `betrayal.'
    Younger generations of both sides have learned from their elders that
    their differences are irreconcilable and their interests are
    diametrically opposed.

    Fortunately, the international conjuncture that necessitated peace and
    stability in the Caucasus and supported by major state actors such as
    Russia and the US, not to mention the European Union, allowed for a
    conducive atmosphere. However, the real factor is that through the
    courage and consciousness of the presidents of both countries, they
    are making history rather than being its prisoners.

    Their courage is obvious as measured by the resistance and protests of
    each nation's nationalists and chauvinists, who look at the world from
    the keyhole of their ideological prison. However, protestors on the
    Armenian side are mainly from the diaspora. The Armenian diaspora is
    the scion of those who were deported from Anatolia during World War I,
    not from the east of the Ararat. So they are more radical and do not
    experience the difficulties that their brethren live through in a
    landlocked country.

    Now the Armenian diaspora seems to have lost most of its leverage on
    Armenia proper. It is no surprise that statements like cutting off
    economic aid to Armenia from diaspora Armenians are being voiced in
    some Western centers. Secondly now, the diaspora will have to talk
    directly with Turkey to settle its scores, not through Armenia.

    Is Turkish-Armenian rapprochement really the making of the Justice and
    Development Party (AK Party) government? Not exactly; the Foreign
    Ministry's bureaucracy spent decades neutralizing the effects of the
    global campaign of the Armenian diaspora against Turkey to get April
    24 (1915) to be acknowledged as the day of genocide perpetrated by the
    Turkish government of the time (the Ottomans). So far about 20
    national parliaments have gone along. The biggest fight is taking
    place on the floor of the US Congress. Turkish diplomats are sick and
    tired of the tide every year. They wanted a solution, and they worked
    toward that end. However, preparations had to be transformed into real
    policies with determination and courage. The Justice and Development
    Party (AK Party) government demonstrated that courage.

    The initiation of diplomatic relations also heralds the end of an
    unsuccessful policy isolating Armenia from the rest of the world and
    making it hard to reach economic resources. It has proven to be a foul
    initiative by looking at the reluctance of the Armenian military to
    return Azerbaijani territory that it had occupied a decade and half
    ago. It is obvious that Turkey would have more leverage on Armenia to
    settle the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict that erupted two decades ago
    over Nagorno-Karabakh, a predominantly Armenian territory on
    Azerbaijani soil.

    No one should expect the return of Azerbaijani land occupied by
    Armenian troops to solve the Karabakh issue. In fact, it will be more
    pronounced when Azerbaijan directly faces the issue, but then the
    issue concerns the residents of Karabakh and the Azerbaijanis, not

    The choice of the site for the soccer game in Turkey following the
    signing of the protocols is also interesting. Bursa was densely
    populated by Armenians before World War I. It was also the seat of the
    Armenian Patriarchy until Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror invited the
    patriarch to the new imperial capital, Ä°stanbul. So Armenians came
    back to their former homeland to start a walk in history with a people
    they lived together with for 1,000 years.

    If the majority of the Turks knew that their guests were the children
    of the very same lands and people who lived next to their grandparents
    or that their grandmother is one of the Armenian girls left behind by
    desperate parents before their march into oblivion, a civic initiative
    may start petitioning for the extension of citizenship to the heirs of
    the deportees as a gesture of setting the historical score right.
    Wouldn't that be wonderful? Maybe one day.