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Bakur Karapetyan: Azeris Do Not Know Who They Are

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  • Bakur Karapetyan: Azeris Do Not Know Who They Are


    19.10.2009 16:14 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Intensive discussions of the origin of the
    Azerbaijani people have been held recently in Azerbaijan, Bakur
    Karapetyan head of the Shushi fund told a meeting with journalists
    in Yerevan.

    According to him, Armenia should not neglect this issue, because it
    concerns the Nagorno-Karabakh, as well.

    The situation became tense after the doctor of historical sciences
    Farid Alakbarli presented his thesis, which states that the Azeris must
    be called as the Turks. In return, the professor Suleiman Muradaliyev
    made a contrary view, arguing that Turkism became outdated and Azeris
    should be called Azeris. "I also decided to take part in this debate
    and suggested my version," Mr. Karapetyan said, noting that the Azeris
    are a mixture of different peoples: the Tatars, Lezghins, Udine.

    "Today Azerbaijan is an artificial entity. Within a short time it is
    difficult to unite and form one nation, but they are in a hurry,
    because they have problems with Armenia and Karabakh, " Bakur
    Karapetyan said.

    Bakur Karapetyan sent an open letter to the President of Azerbaijan, in
    which he made an attempt to explain the true origin of the Azerbaijani
    people. He sent a similar letter to the prime minister of Turkey.

    "The Turkish authorities continue to deceive their people," Mr.

    Karapetyan said, adding that the Turkish people still do not know
    their own history. "From the XIV century, Turkey has committed about
    50 Genocides, the last was the Armenian Genocide," Mr. Karapetyan
    said. According to him, Turkey wants to present itself to the
    international community as the successor of the Byzantine culture,
    but in fact its true homeland is Mountainous Altai.

    The purpose of Ankara is turkify all the people and it is in favor
    of Turkey if Azeris call themselves Turks, the expert said. "Turkey
    wants to neutralize the influence of Iran and Russia in Azerbaijan,"
    added Bakur Karapetyan.