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Turkey: Relations Between Ankara And Israel Becoming Chilly

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  • Turkey: Relations Between Ankara And Israel Becoming Chilly

    Yigal Schleifer nsightb/articles/eav101909a.shtml

    The once-vital relationship between Turkey and Israel is going through
    a distinctly frosty period. The chill began after the invasion of
    Gaza earlier this year, which Ankara criticized harshly. But now
    ties between the two Middle East allies are diving further and some
    experts are wondering if the relationship is coming to end.

    Concern was first raised in mid-October after Turkey indefinitely
    postponed annual military exercises, reportedly because of Israel's
    planned involvement. The exercises -- air force maneuvers dubbed
    Anatolian Eagle -- were also to have included the United States, Italy
    and other NATO countries. The other participating states reportedly
    pulled out of the exercise after learning of Israel's exclusion.

    Israeli officials also have expressed outrage over a new dramatic
    series being screened on Turkish state television that shows Israeli
    soldiers mercilessly killing Palestinians, including one scene of a
    soldier shooting a young girl at point blank range.

    Observers suggest the postponement of the military exercises and the
    ensuing tension reflect shifts in Turkey's domestic politics and its
    foreign policy outlook. "I think the timing [of the cancellation]
    has more to do with Turkey's internal and foreign politics," says
    Lale Kemal, a military analyst based in Ankara.

    "We should bear in mind that the balance of power [in Turkey]
    is shifting toward civilian authority," Kemal continued. "Despite
    the military's plans for the exercise, which included Israel, the
    government asked them [military planners] to exclude it."

    Turkey's Islamist press has strongly criticized Israel's involvement
    in previous military exercises, and Kemal believes the liberal
    Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) government was worried
    about the domestic fallout of this year's drill. "Had it been up to
    the military, the exercise would have continued as planned, but the
    military can't dictate its policies on the government the way it used
    to. The equation is changing. We see this in other areas and in the
    Turkish-Israeli relationship also. The military cannot dictate its
    positions all the time right now," she said.

    On the foreign policy front, Ankara, for the last few years, has
    actively sought to establish itself as a kind of regional soft-power
    broker, working to strengthen relations with neighbors that it has
    previously kept at an arm's length, most notably Syria and Iran.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu -- the main architect of
    this new foreign policy -- and 10 other ministers recently visited
    Syria for the first meeting of a newly created Strategic Cooperation
    Council, and to sign an agreement doing away with visa requirements
    between the two countries.

    In many ways, this change reflects a fundamental shift from the period
    when Turkey and Israel began developing their strategic relationship.

    At the time, both countries looked at countries like Syria as a common
    threat. Turkey and Syria almost went to war in the late 1990's after
    Ankara accused Damascus of supporting the separatist Kurdistan Workers'
    Party (PKK).

    "In Davutoglu's ideological framework, Israel doesn't play a central
    role. Things have changed," says Ofra Bengio, an expert on Turkey at
    the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel
    Aviv University.

    Says Suat Kiniklioglu, a member of the governing Justice and
    Development Party (AKP) and spokesman of the parliament's Foreign
    Affairs Committee: "We need to be clear: the strategic relationship
    between Turkey and Israel is no longer what it was in the late 1990s."

    Bengio believes that the postponed air force exercises may also be
    the victim of the continuing fallout from the January invasion of Gaza.

    Davutoglu recently cancelled an upcoming visit to Israel after he
    learned he was not going to be allowed to visit Gaza. Excluding
    Israel from the Anatolian Eagle maneuvers might well have been
    Turkey's response to that, Bengio says. "I think Turkey is doing
    this to punish Israel for everything that has happened since Gaza,
    not because it might hurt its relations with Syria or Iran. The
    situation is starting to look more like a game of ping-pong," she said.

    During the Gaza fighting, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    accused Israel of "perpetrating inhuman actions that would bring it to
    self-destruction" and of committing a "crime against humanity." More
    recently, Erdogan charged the country with being a "persecutor."

    Ankara initially said that no political meaning should be derived
    from the postponement of the military exercises, but Turkish officials
    later altered their tune. "Turkey cannot be seen as being in military
    relations with Israel at such a sensitive time, when there are no
    peace efforts, when peace has not gained momentum," Davutoglu told
    reporters in a recent news conference. "We cannot ignore what is
    going on in Gaza."

    Some critics believe that altering the old balance in bilateral
    relations could damage Turkey's overall foreign policy interests.

    "Turkey's relations with Israel . . . are very vital and should not
    be a tool for playing domestic games," political analyst Mehmet Ali
    Birand recently wrote in a column in the English-language Hurriyet
    Daily News. "We need to protect the balance as we used to do."

    Israeli officials have already voiced skepticism about Ankara's
    ability to serve as an "honest broker," if talks between Jerusalem
    and Damascus were to be renewed.

    "They are forcing the limits of their ability to maintain relations
    with both sides," says Bulent Aliriza, an expert on Turkey at the
    Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based
    think tank. "Turkey has every right to open up to the Middle East
    and to criticize Israel, but the impression is being developed that
    Turkey is developing its relationships in the Middle East at the
    expense of Israel."

    Editor's Note: Yigal Schleifer is a freelance reporter based in