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Feudal Human Tragedy

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  • Feudal Human Tragedy

    Yeghishe Metsarents ahos15585.html
    11:23:34 - 19/10/2009

    On October 17, a big party took place in connection with the wedding
    of the son of the NA speaker Hovik Abrahamyan and the daughter of the
    NA parliamentarian Gagik Tsarukyan. The ceremony was very luxurious,
    much money was spent which is not surprising. The Armenian rich men
    among which Hovik Abrahamyan and Gagik Tsarukyan are do not like
    to spare moreover if the point is about their children and moreover
    considering that "what they do they do for the sake of their children".

    In accordance with this logic, they marry their children with each
    other. This phenomenon when people having power and richness become
    relatives is particular to monarchic or feudal periods when through
    this way questions relating to the security were solved or they tried
    to secure themselves from betrayals, they became relatives with their
    rival family of course if they could not win them.

    But in the world, this phenomenon which is still present within
    royal families started yielding even on this plane. For example, the
    Britain royal family accepted the marriage of the prince Charles and
    lady Diana with great difficulty because Diana was not from such a
    aristocratic family to be the wife of the prince. But the marriage
    nevertheless took place. The Spanish prince went even farther and
    married with an ordinary woman, a TV reporter and the Spanish royal
    family which was against this marriage, nevertheless admitted it.

    In Armenia, just the opposite seems to be taking place and the
    tradition of monarchic or feudal marriages seems to get rooted more
    and more. The children of the Armenian governmental elite started
    getting marriage exceptionally with each other. There seems to be
    no marriage between a governmental member's son with a daughter
    of an ordinary citizen, or the opposite. The whole elite become
    relatives. This phenomenon is connected not only with the fact to
    secure mutual security. The point is that the sons of the "elite"
    do not communicate with ordinary citizens for any possibility to be
    to connect their lives with one of them. Not only the "elite" but also
    their children are always surrounded by bodyguards. It is natural that
    under such conditions their children will have feelings only towards
    each other because they communicate exceptionally with each other.

    They do not have any opportunity to get acquainted with other people.

    They are also likely to have been educated in a way not to even wish
    to think about the necessity to communicate with other people, to
    resist the isolation of their "elite" world. They grow with the same
    values as their fathers and naturally, they believe that only those
    alike them are worth their communication and the rest of humanity
    must get surprised at the luxury of their marriages.