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  • Turkofobia?

    Naira Hayrumyan hos15589.html
    12:21:47 - 19/10/2009

    Discussions on the Armenian-Turkish protocols revealed an interesting
    topic that is constantly being mentioned, but is not elaborated until
    the end - turkofobia. It is in the air, but few people say about it,
    apparently because of sensitivity about the subject. However, all
    judgments and fears in relation to the Armenian-Turkish settlement are
    reduced, ultimately, to this subject. No one in Armenia is against
    open borders, few deny the need for regional integration, but many
    affirm that they would not be afraid of opening the borders, if it was
    not the Turks, but any other nation. Moreover, there are a number of
    qualities with which the Armenians characterize the Turks and, above
    all, it is expansiveness. The Armenians, on the basis of historical
    experience and free communication with the Turks (and Azeri Turks)
    during the Soviet period, claim that they can in a short period of
    time make not only economic but also demographic expansion. An example
    of such expansion is in everyone's memory: during the disintegration
    of the Union not only in Nakhichevan and in Karabakh, but also in a
    large part of the Armenian SSR, the Azerbaijani population grew at
    an arithmetic progression.

    The Soviet propaganda of peoples' friendship did not allow
    dwelling on this subject, but it is always present at the household
    level. Moreover, such an attitude towards the Turks mostly was not
    expressed in hatred towards the Turks, especially aggression, just
    one in his heart thought that it would be better if they were not
    present in the Armenian society.

    This was the dominant feeling during the hostilities in Karabakh,
    in which result the Turkish population nearly abandoned the Armenian
    Karabakh and Armenia. And now many of those Armenians who lived
    in areas densely populated by Turks, say, again not in full voice,
    that life has become easier. Yes, with the Turks it was easier to
    trade, they established friendly relations with many, but the danger
    of expansion was hanging over their heads every minute, and since it
    happened so, let it remain so. This view can be heard in many Armenian
    villages Vayots Dzor, in Karabakh the more so.

    In the post-Soviet period, the Soviet propaganda of friendship between
    peoples has been replaced by the idea of globalization, the equality
    of all races and peoples. Talking about the exuberance again became
    inconvenient, and we now shamefully camouflage the desire to see the
    Turks in Armenia, threats of economic and other measures. But on this
    topic we will probably have to talk, even if it may seem obscurantist
    in the 21st century. Even though, on the other hand, ethnic phobias
    exist even in the "developed" Europe. Even if we say that in the
    streets of European cities, there are many non-European people,
    we should not forget that they are not in the public administration
    systems of these countries, neither in the big business nor in areas
    having an impact on world politics. Barack Obama was to confirm
    the myth of the equality of all races and peoples, but the general
    surprise at his election, rather, confirmed this mythical equality.