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Formula Of Success

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  • Formula Of Success

    Hayk Aramyan s15590.html
    12:41:03 - 19/10/2009

    The Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met with the delegation
    of the World Bank headed by the World Bank's managing director, Dr
    Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. In answer to the observation of the WB managing
    director, that Armenia must take into account the modernization
    experience of other countries, Tigran Sargsyan said that our country,
    taking into account the world best experiences must not copy them
    but elaborate its own formula of success.

    On September 19, the Singaporean Senior Minister Li Kwan Yu, the
    author of the economic miracle of that country, the former prime
    minister of Singapore took part in the board session of the National
    Competitiveness Council. He presented the lessons taken from the steps
    aimed at the Singaporean national competitiveness and was answered
    in a similar way.

    What Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Li Kwan Yu said: very simple things: that
    they have to eliminate the monopolistic mechanisms, the oligarchic
    economy and create equal start conditions, to separate the business
    from the government and to create such tax and customs legislations
    for the small and midsize businesses to develop. Right what happened
    in Singapore. In other words, things that our prime minister says
    on different occasions. But he adds "in accordance with out national
    characteristics" when the time to act comes.

    Now, it is comprehensible for everyone that the misfortune of Armenia
    is determined by its political-economic structure. Such a structure
    does not have anything in common with "national characteristics". And
    the elimination of such a structure has anything in common with the
    "national characteristics neither. There have long before been created
    effective mechanisms of overcoming such situations in the world and
    of taking up the way of constructing a dynamic, effective country.

    So, they do not need to hide behind the "national characteristics".

    Either they have to do what the interests of Armenia and people demand,
    or they do not need to convince people that an Armenian oligarch may
    become a lawful citizen who comes out of the shadow and pays taxes
    renouncing electoral breaches and shaved-heads.