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ANKARA: Win-Win Protocol (II)

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  • ANKARA: Win-Win Protocol (II)

    Ilhan Tanir/Oguzhan Guler

    Hurriyet Daily News win-protocol-ii--2009-10-19
    Oct 19 2009

    Russia's unexpected return to international power strongly displayed
    itself once more during the latest protocol discussions. Russia's
    unwavering role in urging the Armenian side to ink the protocols in
    Zurich, which is being widely reported in the Armenian and Russian
    press at present, confirmed its heavyweight status in the region
    and reaffirmed the Kremlin's decisive support for the restoration of
    relations between Armenia and Turkey.

    For those who follow the international affairs of the region closely,
    it is unusual to see the unequivocal support all powers, the United
    States, Russia and the European Union, have given to the matter.

    However, this is the situation we presently face and this full support
    must be taken as great news in terms of a more stable and peaceful
    future for the southern Caucasus. One could point to many reasons as
    to why Russia has both been enjoying better relations with Turkey
    and supported the protocols; we, however, would like to emphasize
    one argument that failed to garner much attention - Turkey's position
    during the war last August between Georgia and Russia. During the war,
    Turkey utilized a balanced policy and showed a clear unwillingness to
    take an anti-Russian position along with the Western alliance. This
    was a turning point that brought Russia and Turkey closer than ever
    before. During the conflict, Turkey denied passage to two U.S. ships
    through the Turkish Straits into the Black Sea, arguing that the ships
    violated the Montreux Convention which governs the traffic of military
    ships to the Black Sea. According to the convention, the tonnages of
    both of the two US ships well exceeded the limits allowed; as such,
    they were ineligible for passage.

    Turkey, showing a full commitment to the Montreux Convention, received
    a warm response from the Kremlin. In our opinion, in addition to the
    increasingly strong trade relationship between the two countries that
    has made Russia Turkey's biggest trade partner, a strategic, eye-to-eye
    understanding has been further solidified. This new partnership was
    consistently lauded during the Russian and Turkish leaders' numerous
    meetings both at the Kremlin and Ankara.

    Still, even in the energy context, Russia sees the protocol results
    as a win-win situation, since such a multi-billion dollar and
    strategically important project like Nabucco will now have a bigger
    chance of passing through Armenia rather than Georgia, a country
    which the Russians still think should be punished further. And for
    that to happen, Armenia's only chance to be part of the project is
    to have improved relations with Turkey.

    It must be noted that Russia is not only popular in Yerevan, but
    also in Baku (it struck an important gas deal recently) and even in
    Kiev, where elections are scheduled for Jan. 17, 2010. The two main
    candidates, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and Victor Yanukovych,
    are both campaigning on a platform of building better relations with
    Russia in stark contrast to the last elections in 2004. The Ukrainian
    media have already ruled out the possibility of a second term for
    President Victor Yushchenko, the leader of the Orange Revolution.

    According to a poll conducted by the Ukraine Public Opinion Foundation,
    26.8 percent of voters are ready to cast their votes in favor of
    Viktor Yanukovych, who was considered Russia's candidate during the
    last elections, against the current President Yushchenko's mere 2.2
    percent poll rating.

    >From the American perspective, the protocol also promises a sunny
    future. According to Morton Abromowitz, the former U.S. ambassador to
    Turkey and a senior fellow at the Century Foundation, a Washington,
    D.C.-based think tank, restored relations between Armenia and Turkey
    was one of the two most important items on U.S. President Barack
    Obama's agenda when he visited Turkey in April. As such, the current
    developments should be seen as a great victory for America as well.

    America now sees benefits from a more stabilized region and Armenia,
    freed from the status of solely being Russia's pawn, becomes a viable
    candidate to be part of an alternative energy route for the allies
    in Europe.

    Obama will also have a great excuse to defuse the demands of the
    Armenian diaspora who want the American Congress to pass a resolution
    on the 1915 events in the coming year by highlighting the progressing
    relations between Armenia and Turkey. While the 2010 mid-term elections
    already loom for America, Obama does not wish to see another uproar
    by the strong and boisterous Armenian constituency in addition to
    many domestic problems.

    On the other hand, in Azerbaijan, it seems that it all depends
    on the possible progress of the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute. For now,
    Azerbaijan's leader Ä°lham Aliyev does not see any reason to hide his
    skepticism; he is currently getting cozy with Russia by emphasizing the
    favorable transit prices Gazprom pays to Azerbaijan in contrast to the
    thriftiness of the Turkish brothers. This is the most worrisome piece
    of the equation, but for this very reason, it becomes a great incentive
    for Westerners to work harder to solve the dispute; otherwise, the
    only official gas source for the Nabucco line even becomes doubtful.

    The biggest obstacle to the normalization of the relationship between
    Turkey and Armenia comes from the opposition parties in Armenia and
    from the diaspora. Two of Armenia's leading opposition parties, the
    Dashnaktsutyun, or the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, and the
    Heritage Party, opposed the signing of the protocols and campaigned
    against it fiercely. President Serge Sarkisian visited Armenian
    diaspora communities throughout the world to gain their support, but
    was nevertheless greeted with protests. For the Armenian diaspora,
    it seems that the Armenians do not gain much by opening the borders,
    but lose a lot by opening a debate over the tragic events of 1915,
    which is an unforgivable betrayal. We feel it is inappropriate to take
    a stance against theirs because of the sensible nature of the subject
    alongside the arguments we have presented that would point to Armenia's
    future generations living a better life in a more prosperous country.

    And the Turkish opposition? The National Movement Party, or MHP, and
    the Republican People's Party, or CHP, have opposed the protocols. It
    is very hard to understand and argue for or against their stance:
    It seems they have, unsurprisingly, not been able to elaborate their
    position eloquently as to why they would be against the protocols
    other than by showing their usual chauvinistic drama. And this is a
    sad fact for Turkey's opposition.