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Azerbaijan Contented With Part Of "Occupied Territories"

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  • Azerbaijan Contented With Part Of "Occupied Territories"

    By Ivan Gharibyan

    Information-Analytic Agency
    Oct 21 2009

    Amid the anti-Turkish hysteria, the Azerbaijani authorities
    have started sending the public the first signals concerning
    the necessity for revising their radical policy of refusing any
    concessions on Nagorno-Karabakh. It is not yet being done by means
    of high-ranking officials' statements. Rather, they are statements
    made by experts close to the Aliyev clan and by foreign experts,
    with the pro-governmental website being the leader.

    As usual, the political scientist Vafa Ghukuzade, who is close to the
    Azerbaijani presidential administration, has contrived to make most
    contradictory statements lately: whether Russia is responsible for
    all the misfortunes of the Azerbaijani people by supporting Armenian
    "occupants" or the United States is the "number one adversary" due
    to its being actively involved in the Armenia-Turkey normalization
    process. The leading role is, as usual, being assigned to primitive
    blackmail, the only trust of the advocates of present-day Azerbaijani

    This time the blackmail has taken the form of Azerbaijan's possible
    refusal to participate in the Nabucco project. In his "plain
    statements" there was a note of supplication to the international
    community in the context of the old song about "occupied territories."

    "Azerbaijan's refusal to transport its gas through Turkey will thwart
    all of the West's efforts to implement the Nabucco project. So if they
    are to implement the Nabucco project, the United States and the West
    have to get the five occupied regions vacated at the first stage,
    with the two others to be vacated later. The five regions are not
    enough though," Ghuluzade said thereby betraying official Baku's
    growing concern over the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. One can
    easily catch a radical change in the rhetoric of President Aliyev's
    "political confidant", who only recently made triumphant speeches
    about Azerbaijan's "territorial integrity."

    By "pure coincidence", David Satter, visiting scholar at the Johns
    Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, voiced the
    opinion that only part of the "occupied territories" will be returned
    to Azerbaijan. The matter obviously concerns the five regions forming
    a security zone round about Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The main conclusion that can be drawn from the latest articles
    available on the Government-controlled Azeri website is as follows:
    being convinced of the irreversible Armenia-Turkey normalization
    process and untenable reference points of its short-sighted
    and inflexible policy, official Baku is feeling doubts about its
    capability to accomplish the tasks, which was once considered
    unquestionable. By pestering the Turkish leaders and international
    mediators with appeals for settling the Nagorno-Karabakh problem as
    soon as possible, the Azerbaijani leaders have been confronted with
    their own unpreparedness for taking a realistic view of the intense
    negotiations and for resorting painful, but inevitable, concessions.

    Obvious signs of a new situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
    process caused by serious geopolitical changes in the region aroused
    the Azerbaijani Establishments' serious concern over the concessions
    the Armenian side has been ready for - in exchange for referendum on
    the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Now President Ilham Aliyev and his
    team have to do nothing but blame themselves for the Armenian side's
    concessions being called into question. The only thing for official
    Baku to do is to revise its short-sighted policy so as not to be left
    with nothing.