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BAKU: Opening Of Turkey-Armenia Border Will Delay Liberation Of Occu

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  • BAKU: Opening Of Turkey-Armenia Border Will Delay Liberation Of Occu


    Today.Az 69.html
    Oct 21 2009

    Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov says three principles
    of international law - territorial integrity, non-use of force and
    self-determination are reviewed and the territorial integrity of the
    countries and inviolability of the borders remain as a background of
    those principles as a common denominator.

    Deputy Foreign Minister Azimov answered the questions about the
    principles of solution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in an interview
    with Azerbaijan-based ATV television channel.

    "The self-determination shouldn't lead to division of the country
    or separation of the borders without the country's permission. The
    self-determination is not independence. This right can be provided
    only within the territorial integrity and can be reviewed as a
    internal self-determination and valued as a norm in the international

    "In negotiations with Armenia, Azerbaijan, in accordance with the
    position of constructive conflict resolution on a reciprocal basis, is
    prepared as a common denominator to move from the position of vertical
    submission to position of determining status of self-governance of
    the population of Nagorno-Karabakh region through implementation of
    self-determination within the framework of territorial integrity,"
    Azimov said.

    "We expect the same approach from Armenia which must abandon its
    maximalist position to demand independence for Nagorno Karabakh to the
    detriment of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and agree to the
    proposed common denominator - the realization of self-determination
    within the framework of territorial integrity. This is called
    compromise, and assessed as a constructive approach. Without the
    consent of Azerbaijan, it is impossible to change territory and borders
    of Azerbaijan. Thus, Armenia has two options - it agrees with the
    continuation of the present situation, or accepts the above-mentioned
    denominator as a basis for settlement of the conflict.

    So far, we see no clarity on the part of Armenia in this matter,"
    Azimov said.

    "With regard to status, we should emphasize that determining of status
    must be impartial, it should be implemented in impartial conditions.

    The concept of impartial conditions include eliminating factor
    of occupation and return of all territories, restoration of
    infrastructure and return of population, especially the Azerbaijanis
    of Nagorno Karabakh. The question can not be resolved without return
    of Azerbaijanis to the territories liberated from occupation, the
    status of Nagorno-Karabakh can be determined only with participation
    of the entire population of the region. In this region, people must
    once again live together, cooperate in a peaceful environment, build
    good neighborly relations drawing away from the hostile sentiment. In
    such circumstances, one can move to the issue of status determination.

    Once again I would like to emphasize that to determine the status,
    occupation factor must be eliminated, roads must be restored and
    cooperation should replace of enmity," Azimov said.

    "Before that happens, to resolve important tasks facing us, it is
    planned to take measures in the appropriate sequence of actions to
    liberate the territories, to return the population, resume cooperation
    in the realization of which Azerbaijan will have to cooperate with
    the Armenian population of Nagorno Karabakh. After liberation of the
    occupied territories, central authorities of Azerbaijan will be ready
    to implement socio-economic measures to benefit both the Azerbaijani
    and Armenian population of the region. After the return of Azerbaijanis
    to Nagorno-Karabakh, conditions must be provided for their residence
    and establishment of relations with Armenian neighbors. At the same
    time, conditions should be created for cooperation between Armenia
    and the Azerbaijani side in Nagorno-Karabakh," Azimov added.

    "In addition, a number of international organizations will implement
    different programs in Karabakh within a certain period. In order
    to implement all these measures, cooperation and ensuring equal
    residence of populations of the region is expected to take place
    before determining final status and application of interim agreements
    (temporary status). This in turn will provide both communities - the
    Azerbaijani and Armenian - in the region with equal conditions and
    rights and their protection. At a certain stage of the negotiation
    process, representatives of the Nagorno-Karabakh population of both
    communities will be in the proper order involved in the process in
    order to participate in discussion and resolution of issues directly
    impacting their interests," he said.

    Azerbaijani deputy foreign minister said despite the fact that the
    right to return to their homes of people who were forcibly expelled
    from their places of residence is recognized as one of the principles
    in the conflict resolution, a number of issues still need to be

    "So, for more than 20-year history of the conflict, certain part of the
    population from each of the parties was forced to change their place
    of residence. However, among this population, along with the refugees
    from Armenia and Azerbaijan there is a special, most affected group
    who lives only in Azerbaijan, as in the side which has been subject to
    aggression and ethnic cleansing, and comprises about 700,000 people -
    a group of internally displaced persons. Thus, the problem of refugees
    from both sides will be resolved on a reciprocal basis in subsequent
    phases. However, the problem of internally displaced persons is
    one-sided, because only Azerbaijan faced consequences of occupation."

    "Attempts by the Armenian side in any way to balance this issue are
    not constructive and are not acceptable. The occupied territories
    should be freed, displaced people should return to their places of
    permanent residence. Recognition of their right of return is not
    sufficient. Return of internally displaced persons should be ensured
    by Armenia as a commitment. This question applies particularly
    Azerbaijanis excelled from Nagorno-Karabakh as their return to the
    region is of the special legal and political significance, because
    only their return will eliminate the consequences of ethnic cleansing
    and will create impartial conditions to determine the status. This
    approach is imperative both in terms of norms and principles of
    international law and ethical norms and values of humanism."

    "One of the important factors in resolution of the conflict is the
    opening of roads and borders, where the first principle will be
    the simultaneous opening of all roads and borders, while a second
    will be opportunity to open them only after liberation of occupied
    territories. In particular, given the link of this issue to the
    opening of the border between Turkey and Armenia it should be noted
    that the opening of the borders will unilaterally delay liberation
    of the occupied territories and, thus, complicates the return of
    Azerbaijanis to Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding territories.

    Constructively speaking, we propose opening of the Turkish-Armenian
    border as part of settlement of the conflict simultaneously with
    the liberation of the occupied territories and to make use of roads,
    especially the Lachin corridor available for all sides. This principle
    should be adopted and approved at this early stage. Without this,
    process of settlement of the conflict will be even more difficult,"
    Azimov said.