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BAKU: All This Is A Test For Turkey: Azerbaijani Parliamentarian

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  • BAKU: All This Is A Test For Turkey: Azerbaijani Parliamentarian


    Today litics/56758.html
    Oct 21 2009

    Day.Az interview with Chairman of the Civil Solidarity Party and
    member of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis (parliament) Sabir Rustamkhanli.

    Day.Az: How will the Turkish-Azerbaijani relations develop following
    signing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols in Zurich?

    Sabir Rustamkhanli: We must understand that the signing of protocols
    are result of pressure on Turkey by outside forces who want to divide
    and embroil our peoples.

    But we all remember how many Azerbaijani flag were in Bursa during
    a football match between Turkey and Armenia.

    We also must not forget such facts as the Treaty of Kars and Turkey's
    position that it occupied in the Karabakh issue.

    Indeed, the protocols do not directly address the Karabakh conflict,
    but, nevertheless, Turkey refers to this issue in its negotiations
    with Armenia.

    Yesterday, we discussed in the Milli Majlis disrespect to Azerbaijan
    flag in Turkey and concluded that one should not dramatize the issue.

    One should not also forget that at first years of Azerbaijan's
    independence, representations of Azerbaijan abroad were in the
    embassies of Turkey under the Turkish flag.

    There are forces that want Azerbaijan and Turkey to clash on the issue
    of a flag. I consider it unnecessary to raise this issue in media.

    Armenian lobby, as well as other forces are involved in the promotion
    of the issue of flag.

    Turkey is currently going through a difficult period in its history.

    The rapprochement with Syria, Iran and Armenia all this is a test for
    Turkey, from which it will be either winner or loser. Azerbaijan, of
    course, interested in the fact that Turkey was the winning side, so
    that we can adequately support each other in the international arena.

    Therefore, Azerbaijan has to have patience in terms of Armenian-Turkish

    Q: Can this mean that you believe that Azerbaijan should not do
    anything in response to the signing of Armenian-Turkish protocols?

    A: One should not forget our common history and turn to Russia when
    there are problems between our countries at the slightest negligence
    by Turkey.

    Q: Do you think Turkish-Armenian protocols will be ratified by
    Turkish parliament?

    A: Whether the protocols will be ratified or not is a secondary issue.

    The fact that the protocols will be discussed in the parliament
    of Turkey is already a big plus for Ankara. The world has already
    learned that Turkey recognized Armenia's territory, and a working
    group to will be set up to examine issues of common history. So,
    signing of the protocols has already done its job for Turkey.

    Nevertheless, I do not think that the protocols will be ratified by
    the Turkish parliament.

    Q: Should Azerbaijan prevent Armenian-Turkish protocols from moving

    A: Protocols should not be the reason why we remember the Karabakh
    problem. If it were for the will of the OSCE Minsk Group, which has
    turned into a tourist organization, it would have given Karabakh to
    Armenians long ago and considered its mission accomplished.

    I believe that our press should not forget about the Karabakh conflict,
    and we must keep this topic on the agenda. One can not make the
    Karabakh issue active from time to time.

    Azerbaijan must resolve all issues with Turkey in the diplomatic plane,
    as befits the two brotherly states.