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Armenakan-RAP Does Not Back Attempts To Stop Armenia-Turkey Protocol

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  • Armenakan-RAP Does Not Back Attempts To Stop Armenia-Turkey Protocol


    Noyan Tapan
    Oct 21, 2009

    YEREVAN, OCTOBER 21, NOYAN TAPAN. The Republican Board of the
    Armenakan-Ramkavar Azatakan Party (Armenakan-RAP) issued a statement
    on Armenian-Turkish relations. The statement in particular reads:

    "In its previous statements on Armenian-Turkish relations (see Azg
    daily, the issues of September 3 and October 10), the Republican
    Board of the Armenakan-Ramkavar Azatakan Party said that being in
    principle in favor of the normalization of relations between the two
    countries and the establishment of diplomatic relations and realizing
    the seriousness of the dangers to our country and the likelihood
    of Armenia's international isolation in case of the process' being
    hindered by Armenia, the party does not back the attempts to stop
    the protocols ratification process. At the same time, sharing our
    people's fair concerns about some clauses of the signed protocols,
    the Republican Board of Armenakan-RAP calls for mitigation of these
    concerns by joint efforts.

    We demand that the National Assembly, within the limits of its powers,
    ratify the protocols, stipulating a certain Condition which will in
    essence specify Armenia's approaches to the controversial provisions in
    the Protocols. Adoption of such a Condition by the National Assembly
    will become a guide for Armenia's leadership which will follow this
    Condition in its further relations with Turkey. We believe that in
    case of stipulatiin of this Condition by the National Assembly, it will
    become mandatory for the Foreign Ministry of Armenia as well. In order
    to prevent the possible speculation on the Genocide issue by Turkey
    and to show that the Armenian people has common will regarding the
    Genocide issue and will never abandon it, Armenakan-RAP is presenting
    an initiative by proposing that the National Assembly pass a law,
    under which any attempt to deny or call into question the Armenian
    Genocide will be criminally prosecuted. By this step we will express
    our resolution and our rights to stand up for the Armenian Cause".

    Armenakan-RAP will soon present to the public its legislative
    initiative on envisaging criminal responsibility for any attemp to
    deny or call into question the Armenian Genocide.