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Sunchild International Environmental Festival To Be Held In Yerevan

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  • Sunchild International Environmental Festival To Be Held In Yerevan


    2009-10-22 16:21:00

    ArmInfo. Sunchild International Environmental Festival will be held
    in Yerevan on October 25-29.

    The press-service of VivaCell-MTS told ArmInfo that the aim of
    the festival is to focus public attention on wildlife and nature
    preservation issues, raise their awareness around those issues
    targeting all groups of the society-children and youth, common people
    and businessmen. The festival program is comprised of a wide range of
    film program and also various environmental activities and campaigns.

    85 films from 35 countries are listed in the film program out of
    which 16 films make the main competition program and 35 films the
    informational program.

    The Ministry of Labour and Social Issues of Armenia in cooperation
    with GTZ organizes a seminar-training on "Professional Guidance" for
    150 children from 13-15 age group from Yerevan and other 4 regions
    of Armenia which are: Lori, Tavoush, Ararat and Vayots Dzor. This
    seminar aims to emphasize the importance of ecological education with
    the account of huge scientific-technological developments.

    This year for the first time an Audience Award will be bestowed. The
    "Audience Award" given by OSCE symbolises public participation in
    reference to Aarhus Convention and emphasizes the important link
    between ecological issues and democracy.Public discussions will be
    organised with OSCE around the following important ecological issues`
    regional water management , recycling of hazardous waste and climate
    change. Representatives of public and state organizations, regional
    specialist & experts will share their views with the audience
    and answer their questions. "Our First Element: Caucasian Water"
    competition-expo funded by Prince Claus fund, the commemoration evening
    to Martin Adamyan's memory and eco-expo are also on the agenda of our
    festival. Moreover Rock bands will join the festival raising socially
    young people's attention for environmental issues.

    SunChild Festival targets all layers of the society and addresses also
    business stakeholders. If we fail to convince businessmen to take up
    serious measures in preservation of scarce natural resources of our
    country then the future generations will get nothing. Thus, FPWC by
    the initiative of VivaCell-MTS in cooperation with UN Global Compact
    and GTZ will organize Corporative Social Responsibility (CSR) seminar.

    Three highly esteemed specialists from abroad are invited to introduce
    the concept of CSR with vivid practical examples.

    The ultimate goal is the establishment of a forum for seminars, open
    discussions, conferences and trainings. The festival aims to serve as
    a stage for regional dialogues. Over 60 guests from all over the world-
    filmdirectors, artists, representatives of international organizations
    and famous environmentalists will take part in the festival.

    The main partner and co-organizer of 2nd Sunchild International
    Environmental Festival is VivaCell-MTS.