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New Security Configuration In Caucasus

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  • New Security Configuration In Caucasus

    By Vladimir Radyuhin
    Oct 23 2009

    Russian analyst Vladimir Radyuhin analyses the new conditions in
    Caucasus after Turkey-Armenia protocol deals.

    Normalisation between Turkey and Armenia and an improving outlook
    for a settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan will remove the last
    roadblocks to regional security in the Caucasus

    -It is for the first time that Azerbaijan will sell its gas to Russia,
    which could undermine the West's plan to build the Nabucco pipeline
    to ship Caspian and Central Asian gas to Europe bypassing Russia.

    The U.S. hopes that Turkey opening its doors to Armenia would help
    wean it away from Russia. Today, Armenia is Russia's only strategic
    ally in the Caucasus. It is a member of the Russia-led defence pact
    of six former Soviet states and hosts a major Russian military base
    on its territory.

    -Russia further consolidated its position as the dominant player in the
    Caucasus, signing last month defence pacts with Georgia's breakaway
    territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, whose independence it
    recognised after routing Georgia in a five-day war in August 2008.

    The agreements allow Russia to station 1,700 troops in each region
    for the next 49 years, with the option of extension for five-year
    periods thereafter. Nevertheless, Moscow seems ready to cede some
    of its influence to Ankara in order to achieve a bigger strategic
    objective: create a regional security mechanism that would exclude
    outside players, above all the U.S. and the NATO, whose poking only
    creates trouble, as it happened last year when the U.S.-armed and
    trained Georgian military attacked South Ossetia.

    The milestone accords Turkey and Armenia sealed this month to normalise
    their relations after a century of hostility have dramatically changed
    the geopolitical configuration in the Caucasus.

    They have opened the way to a new security arrangement in the region
    on the basis of the emerging Russia-Turkey alliance.

    At an October 10 ceremony in Zurich, the Foreign Ministers signed
    protocols setting a timetable to establish diplomatic ties and reopen
    the border, which has been closed for 15 years. The importance of
    the event was underlined by the presence of U.S. Secretary of State
    Hillary Clinton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, French Foreign
    Minister Bernard Kouchner and the European Union's Javier Solana.

    The accords, subject to ratification, however, face formidable
    opposition in both Turkey and Armenia. The Turks are angry at Armenia
    continuing "occupation" of 14 per cent of the territory of Turkey's
    ethnic ally Azerbaijan in the predominantly Armenian enclave of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, which split from Azerbaijan in the wake of an
    inter-ethnic conflict in the early 1990s. In 1993, Turkey sealed the
    border and severed all contacts with Armenia over the conflict. For
    their part, the Armenians are angry over Turkey's denial of the
    massacre of 1.5 million Armenians from 1915 to 1919.

    Bad feelings on both sides may slow down the normalisation process,
    but will hardly derail it as Turkey and Armenia have vital stakes in
    ending their historic enmity. Turkey stands to gain influence in the
    Caucasus and it will smoothen its path to membership in the European
    Union. Landlocked Armenia, blockaded by Turkey, on one side, and
    Azerbaijan, on the other, will gain through trade links with Turkey,
    a large economy closely tied to the EU. It would also become a transit
    trade route from Central Asia to Turkey and then to Europe.

    Reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia is likely to facilitate the
    settlement of the territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The presence of the top diplomats from the U.S., Russia and France --
    the co-chairs to the OSCE Minsk Group, which mediates in talks on
    Nagorno-Karabakh -- at the signing ceremony was quite symbolic in
    this regard.

    Both Russia and the U.S. are interested in the Turkey-Armenia
    settlement. Russian business, which effectively controls the economy
    of Armenia, will benefit from the opening of the Turkish border with
    Armenia, as Russia is also the biggest trading partner of Turkey. In
    another gain for Russia, the role of its foe Georgia as the main
    transit route for Armenian trade will greatly diminish once Turkey
    opens up its border.

    Russia has already reaped the first benefits on the energy front.

    Within days of the Turkey-Armenian agreement, its gas monopoly
    Gazprom signed a contract with Azerbaijan's state energy company
    SOCAR on Azerbaijani gas supply to Russia. The deal came as Baku
    denounced the Turkey-Armenian pact as running "completely against the
    national interests of Azerbaijan," because it was concluded without a
    resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. It is for the first time
    that Azerbaijan will sell its gas to Russia, which could undermine
    the West's plan to build the Nabucco pipeline to ship Caspian and
    Central Asian gas to Europe bypassing Russia.

    The U.S. hopes that Turkey opening its doors to Armenia would help
    wean it away from Russia. Today, Armenia is Russia's only strategic
    ally in the Caucasus. It is a member of the Russia-led defence pact
    of six former Soviet states and hosts a major Russian military base
    on its territory.

    For U.S. President Barack Obama, the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement
    offers a way out of a tight spot he put himself in during the
    presidential campaign when he promised support to a proposed Congress
    resolution denouncing the slaughter of Armenians during World War I
    as "genocide." This would have damaged U.S. relations with Turkey,
    which is of strategic importance to America as the only NATO country
    bordering the Caucasus.

    Russia has its own game plan for the region. Last year, Moscow readily
    embraced Ankara's proposal for a Caucasus Stability and Cooperation

    The CSCP, based on Turkey's concept of "zero problems with neighbours"
    policy, is promoted by Ankara as a mechanism for political dialogue,
    stability and crisis management in a region covering Russia, Turkey,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

    For Turkey, the plan is an instrument to win a bigger foothold in
    the Russian backyard. Russia further consolidated its position as
    the dominant player in the Caucasus, signing last month defence pacts
    with Georgia's breakaway territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia,
    whose independence it recognised after routing Georgia in a five-day
    war in August 2008.

    The agreements allow Russia to station 1,700 troops in each region
    for the next 49 years, with the option of extension for five-year
    periods thereafter. Nevertheless, Moscow seems ready to cede some
    of its influence to Ankara in order to achieve a bigger strategic
    objective: create a regional security mechanism that would exclude
    outside players, above all the U.S. and the NATO, whose poking only
    creates trouble, as it happened last year when the U.S.-armed and
    trained Georgian military attacked South Ossetia.

    Even though Turkey is a NATO member, Moscow has appreciated Ankara's
    independent foreign policy in recent years that runs counter to U.S.

    interests on a range of regional issues.

    Ankara would not let the U.S. use its territory for the war in Iraq
    and refused to join the West's Russia-bashing over the war in South

    Turkey's ambitions of a regional superpower clash with the U.S.'
    aggressive push in the Caucasus. Turkey does not want the Black Sea
    to become a NATO lake and has resisted U.S. pressure to renegotiate
    the 1936 Montreux Convention, which restricts the passage of non-Black
    Sea nations' warships through the Bosphorus Straits.

    During the Russian-Georgian conflict, Turkey invoked the Montreux
    Convention to block two big U.S. warships from sailing into the Black
    Sea on the pretext of delivering humanitarian aid to Georgia. While
    officially Turkey continues to support Georgia's territorial integrity,
    it has quietly moved to develop contacts with Abkhazia, with a senior
    Turkish diplomat visiting the regional capital Sukhumi last month.

    When Turkish President Abdullah Gul paid a state visit to Moscow
    earlier this year, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev made a
    straightforward proposal to set up a Russian-Turkish axis. "The
    August crisis showed that we can deal with problems in the region by
    ourselves, without the involvement of outside powers," Mr. Medvedev
    told a joint press conference. The Turkish leader effectively agreed,
    pointing to "substantially close or identical positions" the two
    countries took on "an absolute majority" of international issues.

    In a joint declaration adopted at the summit, Russia and Turkey
    expressed support for Turkey's CSCP initiative, noted the "identity of
    view" on security and stability in the Black Sea region and reaffirmed
    their commitment to the Montreux Convention.

    There is no denying that Russia and Turkey are historical rivals in
    the Caucasus, having fought 11 wars lasting 44 years in the past. They
    are still competing for influence in the region, but shared interests
    make them allies too. Russia meets 80 per cent of Turkey's natural gas
    needs through the Blue Stream pipe laid on the seabed across the Black
    Sea. Turkey has backed the Russian proposal to build a Blue Stream-2
    pipeline, which, together with the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline,
    would make Turkey a major energy transit hub for Europe and Israel.

    A distinct cooling in Turkey's relations with the U.S. over Iraq and
    the Kurdish problem, and with Europe over its granting EU membership
    to Cyprus and refusal to admit Turkey has further pushed Ankara
    towards Moscow.

    Normalisation between Turkey and Armenia and an improving outlook
    for a settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan will remove the last
    roadblocks to a regional security set-up on the basis of the Turkish
    CSPC proposal.

    Moscow is already looking to extend its cooperation with Turkey
    on regional security beyond the Caucasus. On a visit to Istanbul
    last year, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointedly emphasised that
    Russia and Turkey shared similar views on "what needs to be done for
    a conclusive settlement in Iraq" and on "the necessity of peaceful
    political resolution of the situation regarding the Iranian nuclear

    Chances of the new regional security configuration in the Caucasus
    becoming a reality will greatly depend on whether the U.S. goes
    along or tries to torpedo the project by encouraging its allies,
    Georgia and Azerbaijan, to reject the initiative.

    In joint Russian-U.S. efforts to promote normalisation between Turkey
    and Armenia there are grounds for optimism. Mr. Medvedev hailed it as a
    "good example of our [Russian-American] coordination in international
    affairs." The very possibility of the ongoing reset in relations
    between Russia and the U.S. being projected to the Caucasus will
    enable Moscow to play on Turkey's fears of being left in the cold
    and help get the best deal from both.