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ANKARA: Is the Turkish opposition in peril?

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  • ANKARA: Is the Turkish opposition in peril?

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Oct 23 2009

    Is the Turkish opposition in peril?

    Friday, October 23, 2009

    I have been writing for the Hürriyet Daily News for almost a year, and
    have heavily criticized a wide variety of the policies of the Justice
    and Development Party, or AKP, many times. I was raised, however, in
    an environment that was ideologically driven by Islam, the same roots
    as the AKP, so I now find it thrilling to watch the victories of these
    conservative Muslims from a distance.

    And from this long distance, I have tried to understand what it must
    feel like to succeed in almost every development in today's Turkey
    after so many decades of feeling inferior. What I witness is an
    equally interesting parade. The conservative and religious segments of
    Turkey are flourishing at an ever-faster rate. This change, however,
    has not happened over night; on the contrary, it has taken place over
    years of meticulously prepared stages. The religious and conservative
    population of Turkey has worked hard and got richer. They have studied
    ardently, excelled in learning foreign languages and gained
    familiarity with the outside world, becoming much better accustomed to
    it than secular Turks. The conservatives, along with some pro-Islamic
    movements, adapted themselves to the times, polished their arguments
    and continued walking on a difficult path. Though they occasionally
    compromised on issues ` and perhaps even lost some battles ` they
    eventually came back to their original issues when they deemed the
    time appropriate.

    Conservative Muslims in Turkey became well versed in Western
    pragmatism by excelling in their knowledge of the international arena,
    receiving every kind of degree in the West and establishing their own
    academic institutions in both there and here. They educated their own
    strategists, something Turkey has rarely seen. Rather than drafting
    policies with only today's concerns in mind ` as was the earlier
    custom ` or simply being reactive in their foreign policy decisions,
    these strategists, whether one likes it or not, have drafted plans for
    the long term future because they now understand the region and the
    world better than before.

    And today's administration in Turkey has been trying to bring some
    kind of compromise to issues that have dragged on for decades. For
    example, the Kurdish people, co-founders of the Republic, might now
    become a partner in the country again. This exciting new adventure
    might be to the advantage of Turkey. And it is a natural course as
    well because, when one looks at it closely, the love and the
    inseparable bonds between the two nations are just too powerful to be
    broken. This inseparability is, in essence, about to end terrorism in
    Turkey; the rest is mere politics. The present administration, despite
    its mistakes and shortcomings, is doing the right thing with this
    reconciliation process, regardless of whether it is with international
    help or because of the changing dynamics in Iraq.

    Turkey has also been gaining the status of a regional power. The Arab
    world has started to appreciate our country. In this day and age,
    trade, rather than ideology, drives much of the foreign agenda. In
    many cases in fact, pragmatism is the driving force, not the other way
    around. No country conquers any other anymore, as hard power has
    proven fatal to the countries that resorted to that option in recent
    history. Instead, the power of the brain and of science has
    circumvented most of the problems between peoples and promises a
    better life. Even though ideologies appear to be on the rise in some
    parts of the world, in countries like Turkey, people who once had a
    taste of a better quality of life tend to make the most of this
    pragmatism and look for ways to continue on this road.

    Could there be a dangerous turn of events along the way? Could this
    adventure be hijacked by the more extreme elements of some movement?
    Quite possibly. However, what we see today is a new generation of rich
    conservatives that are not the kind of people who want sharia law to
    be implemented in place of secularism.

    In brief, whether it is the Armenian issue, or close relations with
    Syria, improving the lot of Kurdish people or supporting the
    unification process of Cyprus, it seems that the ruling party in
    Turkey is reading the region's affairs much better than the opposition

    What does this equation tell us? At present, there is no viable
    opposition party in today's Turkey that can challenge the AKP's
    foreign policies. Today the opposition in Turkey is lagging behind in
    terms of defending basic freedoms and understanding modern democracy.
    They have no ability to give lessons on the subject of a modern
    secular regime that treats its citizens equally and protects different
    societal segments from oppression by others. Turkey needs new and
    open-minded leaders who can elaborate ideas of social justice for its

    Turkey needs an opposition party with at least a couple of experts in
    international foreign policy, so that every once in a while, they can
    show up in the capital of the United States, the center of world
    politics, and explain their stance on any given policy conflict.
    Sadly, the opposition argues that it does not need the backing of a
    foreign country; instead, just as in Ottoman times, it turns its back
    and says "istemezük/we don't want it" for almost every critical issue
    facing Turkey. As such, the conservative right is much better equipped
    to address these issues.

    While freedom of the press is under enormous scrutiny ` Reporters
    Without Borders, or RSF, ranks Turkey 122 out of 173 countries on this
    index and there are serious concerns about rising corruption ` there
    is no opposition party in Turkey that has the credibility or the
    energy to discuss these issues with any manner of eloquence.

    This said, I hope that pragmatism will prevail, and, based on
    technological innovations and the Internet, I hope too that Turkey's
    youngsters will have open hearts and minds and be able to meet their
    peers from around the globe with tolerance and compromise. They will
    learn that the good life is about living happily and enjoying things
    as much as one can while respecting others.

    The evidence that this will happen in Turkey is "the moral direction
    in history," to quote U.S. author Robert Wright. This direction will
    once more prevail, and history will once more carry "human
    consciousness toward moral enlightenment, however slowly and
    fitfully." And for now, the best path toward such a future is the
    present administration, rather than the opposition. We will know when
    we find a viable alternative.