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TelAviv: Counterattack is the order of the day

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  • TelAviv: Counterattack is the order of the day

    Ha'aretz, Israel
    Oct 25 2009

    Counterattack is the order of the day

    By Yair Sheleg

    The calls to bolster Israel's public-relations efforts concerning the
    Goldstone report are not enough. Indeed, the report is just part of
    the emerging trend toward isolating Israel as the world's leper, even
    though the "war crimes" of which it is accused do not even come close
    to those committed by its loudest critics. This proves once again that
    interests are what dictate the international agenda, and if interests
    are the name of the game, we need a planned counterattack, one that
    will exact a price from the aggressors and compel them to consider
    whether such actions coincide with their interests. From this
    standpoint, the calls to cancel trips by Israeli vacationers to Turkey
    are a step in the right direction, though this is not enough.

    Since Israel is a small country, it's clear that most of these
    measures cannot be carried out by Israel alone. Rather, we need a
    broad coalition of forces in the West who share our concern about the
    tendency to capitulate to the aims of the global jihad, or Iran.

    One step we can take by ourselves: We should make it clear that Israel
    would be happy to establish a commission of inquiry into Operation
    Cast Lead. But since it is inconceivable that Israel would be tried
    for actions from which other countries are granted immunity, the
    commission would be formed on the day the Americans and British
    establish their own inquiries into possible war crimes in Afghanistan.
    The same goes for the Russians in Chechnya, the Turks against the
    Kurds, and elsewhere.

    Other measures can be taken, like encouraging international
    recognition of the Turks' massacre of the Armenians as an act of
    genocide; conditioning Turkey's entry into the European Union on
    Ankara's positions toward the West, including Israel; advocating a
    change in international law on war so it reflects the problems of
    combating terrorists who use civilians as "human shields"; and
    encouraging Western nations to level sanctions against Iran without
    waiting for the rest of the international community.

    This is by no means an ideal situation, but it is preferable to the
    futile waiting game before gaining the consent of the other global
    players, particularly Russia and China. In fact, such efforts would
    also make clear whether the West is even interested in sanctions, or
    whether its representatives are using the Sino-Russian refusal as an
    excuse to continue to maintain trade ties between Western companies
    and Iran.

    There is also the possibility of adopting the proposal by U.S. Senator
    John McCain to establish a new international body comprised solely of
    democratic states. McCain's proposed organization would replace the
    United Nations, which would in effect mean that those democratic
    states would resign from the UN. But perhaps this is too drastic a
    step, at least for the time being. Nonetheless, it is important that
    the world's democracies develop a joint policy to contend with the
    automatic majority enjoyed by nondemocratic states in UN institutions.
    Perhaps the very threat of a mass departure of democratic states from
    the UN - countries that account for the bulk of the world body's
    resources and moral standing - could help moderate the positions of
    the other countries.

    Some of these measures are certainly contrary to the spirit of the
    current U.S. administration. They may even arouse Washington's anger.
    This alone is a reason why Israel must drift into the background and
    not take the lead in such a process. Nonetheless, historical
    circumstances prove that those who show they are not in anyone's
    pocket are the ones who gain a diplomatic advantage, so everyone has
    an interest in courting them. If the Obama administration grasps that
    Israel and its Jewish and non-Jewish supporters are not in its pocket,
    maybe he, too, will be more sensitive to Israel's needs when pursuing
    his policy. 07.html