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IWPR: Ankara & Baku put up united front

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  • IWPR: Ankara & Baku put up united front

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    Oct 24 2009


    Turkey and Azerbaijan seek to soothe anger over Armenia deal.

    By Kenan Guluzade in Baku

    Turkish and Azeri officials this week tried to calm anger sparked in
    both countries by Ankara's decision to open diplomatic relations with

    The signing of protocols between the two countries last week enraged
    many Azeris, who had relied on Turkey to force Armenia to give up its
    hold on Nagorny Karabakh, which is internationally considered part of

    Turkey closed its border with Armenia in 1993 as a protest against the
    war in Karabakh, and has been one of Azerbaijan's firmest supporters
    ever since.

    The rift in relations between the two allies, whose populations are
    close ethnic kin, has been bitter. Observers are calling it the `flag
    crisis', after Turkish authorities tried to stop fans waving the Azeri
    flag at a football match against Armenia on October 14.

    The morning after the game, photos appeared on the internet of
    confiscated Azerbaijan flags thrown into rubbish bins, angering many

    The Azeris responded by removing the Turkish flags from Martyrs'
    Alley, an avenue in Baku that commemorates those who died for the
    short-lived Azerbaijan Republic that was proclaimed after World War
    One, as well as those who died in Karabakh. They also removed the
    Turkish flag from in front of a Turkish embassy building.

    The Turkish foreign ministry sent an official note of protest, a rare
    event in a normally close relationship.

    Officially, there are no differences between the two sides over the
    Armenia-Turkey peace process, and Turkish president Abdullah Gul rang
    his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliev to explain what was happening
    when parliament began to discuss it on October 21.

    `The leaders of the two states agreed to eliminate emotional factors
    at this current difficult phase, and came to the joint opinion that
    the supposed difficulties in relations between Ankara and Baku do not
    actually exist,' said an official statement from the Turkish
    government quoted by the Anadolu news agency.

    The Turkish and Azerbaijani foreign ministers also tried to calm the
    situation when they met in Baku for a meeting of the Organisation for
    the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

    Ahmet Davutoglu, the Turkish foreign minister, said the pictures of
    flags in rubbish bins were staged.

    `The Azerbaijan flag is not a foreign flag for us. It bears the blood
    of all of our martyrs,' he said. `What happened in Bursa during the
    Turkey-Armenia match was a provocation.'

    He said the current tensions had been whipped up by whoever threw away
    the flags, and filmed them in the rubbish bins.

    `Turkey will conduct an investigation and punish the guilty,' he said.

    Azerbaijan officials also sought to assuage public anger, and on
    October 20, parliament speaker Oktay Asadov told deputies there was no
    anti-Turkish campaign in the country. But that did not calm ordinary
    Azeris, and two unofficial demonstrations protested against the
    removal of the Turkish flag from Martyrs' Alley and the arrival of
    Armenian officials for the Black Sea summit.

    On October 21, a group of young activists from the National Front
    tried to pass along Martyrs' Alley with Turkish flags, but were
    blocked by police, who detained four of them. The next day, officers
    also blocked an unofficial protest by the Organisation for the
    Liberation of Karabakh against the arrival of Armenian deputy foreign
    minister Arman Kirokosian.

    The protesters held placards with slogans `Davutoglu, you are on the
    Armenian side' and `Shame on those who invite Armenians to Baku'.

    Ali Hasanov, head of the political department of the Azerbaijani
    presidential administration, said there was no scandal, and that the
    Turkish flags had been removed simply to comply with the law, which
    allows foreign flags to be displayed only outside buildings with
    diplomatic status.

    But Eldar Namazov, head of the opposition forum For the Sake of
    Azerbaijan, said the removal of the flags had been a mistake.

    `They need to step back. The Turkish authorities should have reacted
    more decisively to the disrespect shown to the Azerbaijan flag shown
    during the football match in Bursa.

    `But even in this case, I think the reactions of the Azerbaijani
    authorities against Turkey are unacceptable. The flags must be
    restored to their places and steps must be taken to restore trust.

    `Even if there is a difference in opinions on the Turkish-Armenian
    protocols, such errors must not be allowed.'

    The two countries' foreign ministers already tried to show they are
    united when, on the evening of October 22, they laid flowers at the
    soldiers' graves on Martyrs' Alley.

    `There are no problems between Azerbaijan and Turkey. Relations
    between the two countries, as before, develop on the principle of `One
    Nation ` two states',' said Azerbaijan foreign minister Eldar
    Mammadyarov after the ceremony.

    Kenan Guluzade, is editor of the website