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Gasprombank Opened Long-Term Credit Line For ArmRosgasprom

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  • Gasprombank Opened Long-Term Credit Line For ArmRosgasprom


    Oct 26, 2009

    YEREVAN, October 26. /ARKA/. On Monday Russian Open JSC "Gasprombank"
    and CJSC "ArmRosgasprom" signed an agreement on opening credit line
    in the amount of 40 million US dollars (for seven years).

    This credit line will be served by the affiliate of "Gasprombank" -
    CJSC Areximbank -the Group of Gasprombank". "Signing of the agreement
    is a regular step in the implementation of strategic task for the
    development of the efficient cooperation of energy-fuel enterprises of
    the country". CJSC "ArmRosgasprom" continues to regularly implement
    gas-energy projects which have strategic impact on Russian economy,
    particularly expansion of gas-transport system with exploitation of
    gas-pipeline "Iran-Armenia" and construction and modernization of
    the 5th energy block of Hrazdan Thermo-electric station.

    During January-September 2009 about 27.8 billion drams were invested
    for these programs. Moreover, during the first 9 months of 2009
    about 10.3 billion drams were invested for the implementation of
    reconstruction and development program of gas complex. During the
    last several years total volume of investments made 700-750 million
    US dollars.

    Investments programs are implemented on the account of own resources
    and borrowings. As for borrowings, CJSC "ArmRosgasprom" cooperates
    with a number of local and foreign financial organizations. Open JSC
    "Gasprombank" is one of the largest universal financial institutions of
    Russia. It is included in the group of three largest banks of Russia
    and occupies the third place in the list of banks of Central and
    Eastern Europe. It serves the key areas of Russian economy - gas, oil,
    nuclear and electro-energy spheres. More than 2 million physical and
    43 legal entities are the clients of Gasprombank. It has 44 regional
    branches and five affiliates and depending banks in Russia.

    The bank also participates in the capital of three foreign banks -
    "Belgasprombank" (Belarus), "Areximbank - the group of Gasprombank"
    (Armenia) and "Russian Commercial Bank" (Switzerland).

    Gasprombank has also representation banks in Beijing (China)
    and Ulan-Bator (Mongolia). As of June 30, 2009 total capital of
    "Gasprombank" was 156.5 billion drams, total assets - 1 855.3 billion
    drams. CJSC Areximbank -the Group of Gasprombank" was established in
    1998 for the support of entrepreneurship and service of financial
    flows between Russia and Armenia. Since 2007 it is included in the
    group of the largest Russian bank "Gasprombank" (Open Joint Stock
    Company) as a 100% affiliate of the company. More than 58 000 physical
    and 2000 legal entities are the clients of the bank, including such
    large companies with the share of Russian capital as

    CJSC "ArmRosgasprom", CJSC "Armenian Electrical network", VivaCell -
    MTS, Beeline, CJSC "Rusal-Armenal", Russian-Armenian (Slavyanski)
    University, etc. As of September 18, 2009 total capital of the bank
    was - 9.906.771 thousand drams, total assets - 39.545.809 thousand
    drams. Number of branches - 15.