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Turks Revel In Their Glory Days

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  • Turks Revel In Their Glory Days

    Thomas Seibert

    The National rticle?AID=/20091027/FOREIGN/710269894/1135
    Oct 27 2009

    The Panorama 1453 Museum cleverly depicts the Ottoman assault on
    Constantinople. Kerem Uzel / NarPhotos ISTANBUL // With the roar of
    battle filling the air and scenes of fierce fighting all around him,
    Ismail Uysal said he could not have been happier.

    "I wish I could have been there," Mr Uysal, a 22-year-old university
    student, said during a visit to the Panorama 1453 History Museum
    in Istanbul. The centrepiece of the museum is the inside of a dome
    covered with a 360-degree painting depicting the successful Ottoman
    assault on what was then Constantinople on May 29, 1453. A lifelike
    display of the battleground with cannons, carts, arrows and dug-outs
    between the visitors' ramp and the painting as well as sound effects
    with battle cries, war drums, horses and explosions are also part of
    the exhibition.

    "It was an important day," Mr Uysal said about the fall of
    Constantinople that ended the thousand-year reign of the Christian
    Byzantine empire and turned today's Istanbul into the capital of the
    Muslim Ottomans, then an emerging new power which went on to conquer
    much of south-eastern Europe and the Middle East. "That is how our
    ancestors came here, came to Istanbul," Mr Uysal said.

    Wide-eyed admiration for the Ottoman era of the sort expressed by
    visitors in the Panorama museum is often found in conservative circles
    in Turkey. Some observers say an uncritical admiration for the past,
    fuelled by a one-sided way of teaching history in state schools,
    makes it difficult for modern Turkey to understand and deal with
    problems that present themselves in today's world.

    The museum, which is close to the historic city walls, provides a
    romantic view of the decisive battle. The painting, covering 2,350
    square metres, shows Ottoman soldiers, directed by Sultan Mehmet II
    on a white horse, storming the city walls of Constantinople. "The
    conquest of Istanbul was as much a technological marvel as it was
    an epic story of uncommon valour," Kadir Topbas, Istanbul's mayor,
    wrote in a brochure for the museum.

    "What happened here has great significance for me as a Turk and
    a Muslim," said one visitor, Mutlu Karabas. Close by, excited
    schoolchildren were following their teachers around the visitors'
    platform, pointing out battle scenes to each other.

    One day last week, the museum, which has attracted tens of thousands
    of visitors since it opened at the start of the year, was filled with
    schoolchildren, tour groups and individual visitors. Many expressed
    awe at what their ancestors did.

    "This is my ninth time here but I feel the same way every time,"
    said Derya, a 23-year-old accountant who gave only her first name. "A
    museum like this was long overdue. It was overdue for us to take
    possession of our history."

    Derya led a friend, Tugba, around the display, and both women said the
    museum made them appreciate the importance of the day Constantinople
    fell to the Ottomans. "It was a day that makes you proud," Tugba said.

    "Here you feel even more like a Turk."

    School education in Turkey encourages strong nationalistic views. Sara
    Nur Yildiz, a US-trained historian at the Orient Institut in Istanbul,
    a German research institution, and a former teacher at the liberal
    Bilgi University in the city, said Turkish schools use a "non-critical"
    approach. "They teach people to be proud to be Turkish," she said.

    That view of history is sometimes expressed in academic circles as
    well. "There are black pages in the history of every nation," Mehmet
    Celik, a historian, told a panel at Atilim University in Ankara last
    year, according to the university's website. "But in the history of
    the Turkish nation, there is not even one black page."

    But Turkey needs to face the fact that not all of its past was golden,
    critics say. One of them is Selahattin Demirtas, a leading member of
    the Party for a Democratic Society, or DTP, Turkey's main Kurdish
    party. Referring to nationalist protests against recent agreements
    between Turkey and its longtime foe Armenia to normalise relations, Mr
    Demirtas told parliament last week that the country had to take a close
    look at the reasons why so many people still saw Armenians as enemies.

    A distorted view of events that led to the death of several hundred
    thousand Armenians at the end of the First World War had been built
    into history books in schools, Mr Demirtas said. The official version
    of history taught in schools played up the fact that Armenian rebels
    had killed Muslim Turks during the war but treated Turkish aggressions
    against Armenians "as if they had not happened", he said.