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NKR; Extended Front Of Combat Against Rodents

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  • NKR; Extended Front Of Combat Against Rodents


    NKR Government Information and
    Public Relations Department
    October 20, 2009

    For prevention of the dangerous state because of unprecedented spread
    of rodents' epidemic in the fields of the Republic and increase
    of the crop capacity of the fields a republican headquarters on
    operative measures conduction was created with the Prime Minister
    Ara Haroutyunyan at the head. Today, the headquarters has conducted
    the first sitting in the NKR Government, to specify the forthcoming
    deeds to be carried out.

    The Prime Minister informed, that taking into consideration the results
    of the formerly conducted studies and the specialists' proposals, it
    was decided to execute the rodents' combat by previously used means,
    which is ploughing of uncultivated lands and scattering of toxic
    chemicals. The Prime Minister announced about necessity of conducting
    complex measures. First of all farming of areas nearby villages, and
    executing cold tillage was foreseen. Owners of rented plough-lands will
    be exempted from the rent. A task was set that all uncultivated lands
    must be tilled and oat must be sown in the lands staying out of autumn
    sowing. With this aim land owners will be granted state assistance.

    The Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan notified that those property
    owners who hadn't conducted necessary measures will be punished. The
    fight will be in the focus of attention and under everyday strict
    control. Everything must be done in time and with responsibility,
    or the agricultural disaster will become inevitable.

    It is anticipated to continue preventive combat measures up to the
    end of the forthcoming spring.