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BAKU: Aliyev: "There Are No Countries In The World To Work Fruitfull

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  • BAKU: Aliyev: "There Are No Countries In The World To Work Fruitfull


    Oct 28 2009

    Baku - APA. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received the members
    of the foreign relations commission of the Turkish Parliament, press
    service of the President told APA.

    The head of state emphasized the important significance of the
    Turkish delegation's visit to Azerbaijan and said the mutual visits
    were important to receive information about the regional processes
    from first sources and to inform the parties.

    President Ilham Aliyev said Turkey was first to recognize Azerbaijan's
    independence and both countries have been moving from the same position
    since that period. "There are no countries in the world to work
    fruitfully in political, economic and cultural spheres like Turkey and
    Azerbaijan", said President Aliyev. He mentioned the cultural relations
    and said recently the leaders of the Turkic-speaking countries made
    very important decisions at their 9th summit in Nakhchivan and welcomed
    the Azerbaijan's initiative to establish TURKSOY Fund.

    The head of state emphasized that there is no initiative and project
    in the region that could be realized without Azerbaijan-Turkey
    cooperation and said these positive tendencies would be developed in
    future too. "It will be very useful for our countries and peoples
    and for entire region as well". President Ilham Aliyev said crisis
    dominated in the world and developments in the region made us be more
    communicable with each other because we can lift the misunderstandings
    that have an effect on the bilateral relations only by this way.

    President Ilham Aliyev mentioned the protocols signed between Turkey
    and Armenia and said Azerbaijan didn't interfere in the domestic
    affairs of other countries. The head of state reminded that a part
    of Azerbaijani lands is under the Armenian occupation for nearly 20
    years. "Armenia pursued the policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing
    in those territories. Therefore it should be accepted naturally that
    Azerbaijani community is sensitive to the relations with Armenia. The
    main concern of Azerbaijan is that Armenia could solve the economic
    crisis by the opening of Turkish-Armenian borders and tighten its
    position in the negotiations".

    President Ilham Aliyev reminded about the statements by the
    Turkish president, prime minister and parliament speaker that the
    Turkish-Armenian borders will not be opened without the liberation
    of Karabakh from the occupation. The president talked about the
    following processes and said that Turkey and Azerbaijan had special
    relations and every Turkish and Azerbaijani citizen should contribute
    to the strengthening of these relations by own work. The President
    of Azerbaijan emphasized the importance of communications between
    the parliamentarians of both countries. "The intensification of
    communications will promote the development of Turkey-Azerbaijan

    Chairman of the Turkish parliament's foreign relations
    commission, member of the parliament from AKP Murat Mercan said the
    Azerbaijani-Turkish friendly and brotherhood relations were based on
    the historic roots and said the parliamentarians of both countries
    established fruitful cooperation at the Council of Europe and other
    international organizations. He reminded the period when President
    Ilham Aliyev led the Azerbaijani delegation to the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe and added that the joint activity
    of Azerbaijani and Turkish deputies played an important role in
    recognition of Armenia as an aggressive state by the Council of
    Europe. Touching upon the protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia,
    Murat Mercan noted that his country understood the sensitiveness of
    Azerbaijan in this issue and added that Turkey-Armenia border would
    not be opened without the solution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Murat
    Mercan stressed the importance of further strengthening of cooperation
    between the parliaments of Azerbaijan and Turkey and offered proposal
    on meeting of the foreign relations commissions of the parliaments
    twice a year. The chief delegate of Turkey expressed his gratitude
    to the President of Azerbaijan for the organization of the summit of
    the leaders of Turkic-speaking countries in Nakhchivan at high level.

    Member of Turkish Parliament's foreign relations commission, MP
    from National Movement Party (MHP) Deniz Bolukbashi stated that the
    protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia will not be brought to
    the agenda of the Turkish Parliament unless the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict is solved.

    President Ilham Aliyev asked the members of the delegation to convey
    his best regards to the Turkish President, Prime Minister, Chairman
    of the Parliament and Chairman of the National Movement Party. At
    the same time, President Ilham Aliyev expressed his personal thanks
    for the principal position of the National Movement Party.

    President Ilham Aliyev touched upon the significance of relations
    between our countries. Speaking about the security issues in the
    region, the head of state underlined that Armenia-Azerbaijan and
    Turkey-Armenia relations should find their solutions at the same time.

    Sharing his views on interparliamentary relations, President Ilham
    Aliyev stressed the importance of establishment of the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Turkic-Speaking Countries in Baku. According to
    him, the summit of the leaders of Turkic-speaking countries in
    Nakhchivan - the ancient land of Azerbaijan, decisions and signed
    documents there assume great importance from the standpoint of further
    strengthening of cooperation between the Turkic-speaking countries. To
    the president, common past, history, origin, root and language unite
    the Turkic-speaking countries.

    The president of Azerbaijan expressed his satisfaction with the
    proposal on meeting of the parliamentary delegations twice a year and
    added that such meetings could be held not only in the capitals but
    also in the regions. Touching upon the cooperation of Azerbaijani
    and Turkish delegation in the Council of Europe, the head of state
    emphasized that the joint activity of deputies from both countries
    played an important role in the discussion of Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    in the Parliamentary Assembly of the organization and adoption of
    the resolution supporting the just position of Azerbaijan.

    The head of state spoke about the activity of Azerbaijan in other
    international organizations, including the Organization of Islamic
    Conference (OIC) and added that Azerbaijan's positions considerably
    strengthened. Touching upon the importance of strengthening of
    cooperation between our countries, the head of state stressed the
    significance of continuation of mutual visits of the parliamentary
    delegations in the future.