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Artsakh HPP OJSC Common Stocks To Be Included In NASDAQ OMX Armenia

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  • Artsakh HPP OJSC Common Stocks To Be Included In NASDAQ OMX Armenia


    28.10.2009 18:56 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Starting October 29, 2009, common stocks of "Artsakh
    HydroPower Plant" open joint stock company ("Artsakh HEK" ojsc) will
    be included in the B list of NASDAQ OMX Armenia. A total of 5,962,074
    stocks of the company with nominal value AMD 1,000 will thus become
    listed and traded at the exchange under ticker symbol AHEK.

    "Artsakh HEK" ojsc is a major power production company in
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), which currently satisfies around
    50% of NKR's total electricity needs. The company operates Sarsang
    hydropower plant, the largest in NKR, which has an average annual
    output of 90-140 mln kWh. The major shareholder of "Artsakh HEK"
    ojsc is the Government of the NKR, which holds 85.54% of the shares
    of the company; about 6% of the company's shares belong to "VPBP"
    cjsc registered in the NKR.

    Early in 2009, "Artsakh HEK" ojsc entered the capital market with
    the first initial public offering in Armenia allocating 862,074
    newly issued common shares of the company to 1,111 local and foreign
    investors. The newly raised capital is to be used by the company to
    build three modern power plants with capacity of up to 5 MW each on
    the Tartar river, the largest in NKR. "Artsakh HEK" plans to deploy
    the three new plants as early as in August 2010.

    As of June 30, 2009, "Artsakh HPP" ojsc's assets totaled AMD 7.6 bln,
    its equity capital was about AMD 6.37 bln; net revenues for the first
    half of 2009 exceeded AMD 126 mio. More financial data, as well as
    information on the activities of the company and the prospectus can
    be found at the company's official website

    The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. is the world's largest exchange company. It
    delivers trading, exchange technology and public company services
    across six continents, and with over 3,900 companies, it is number
    one in worldwide listings among major markets. NASDAQ OMX technology
    supports the operations of over 60 exchanges, clearing organizations
    and central securities depositories in more than 50 countries.

    In January 2008, Nordic exchange operator OMX Group acquired 100%
    of shares of the Armenian Stock Exchange (Armex) and the Central
    Depository of Armenia (CDA). After the combination of NASDAQ and OMX
    in February 2008, Armex and CDA have become fully owned by the NASDAQ
    OMX Group, Inc.

    On January 27, 2009, "Armenian Stock Exchange" ojsc was officially
    renamed as "NASDAQ OMX Armenia" ojsc. On June 5, 2009, "NASDAQ OMX
    Armenia" ojsc became the owner of 100% of the shares of the "Central
    Depository of Armenia" ojsc