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BAKU: Lawmakers Criticize Biden Over Remarks On Democracy

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  • BAKU: Lawmakers Criticize Biden Over Remarks On Democracy


    October 27, 2009 Tuesday

    Azerbaijani pro-government lawmakers have criticized US Vice President
    Joe Bidens recent statement in Romania that called on Eastern Europe
    to aid several former Soviet republics on their path to democratic
    rule. Addressing political leaders and students at Bucharest University
    last week, Biden mentioned the past revolutions that toppled communism
    in the former Soviet satellites. He praised Eastern Europe for the
    achievements made in the past two decades since the Iron Curtain fell,
    calling on Romania and its neighbors to help countries such as Armenia,
    Azerbaijan and Belarus to boost democratic development.

    MP Siyavush Novruzov, deputy executive secretary of the ruling New
    Azerbaijan Party (NAP), speaking at a Milli Majlis (parliament) session
    on Tuesday, blamed world countries for a double standard approach to
    the developments ongoing in the region. He said it was unacceptable
    for an official of a superpower to draw parallels between Armenia,
    which occupies part of Azerbaijans territory, and the latter, which
    has been subjected to an aggression. Azerbaijan and Armenia fought
    a lengthy war that ended with the signing of a cease-fire in 1994,
    but Armenia continues to occupy Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh and seven
    other Azerbaijani districts in defiance of international law.

    Peace talks have not yet resulted in resolving the conflict. According
    to Novruzov, the U.S., as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group brokering
    settlement of the Upper Garabagh conflict, should say its piece to the
    invading nation. The United States allocating financial aid to Armenia
    and its endless endeavoring to achieve opening of the Turkey-Armenia
    border is unfair, the NAP deputy executive secretary said. Novruzov
    noted that the people are the Azerbaijani authorities stronghold,
    saying government has always formed in the country through free and
    fair elections. This being said, everyone should attend to internal
    problems in their own countries and forget once and for all playing
    the role of a military police regime in other [countries] territories.

    We witnessed what shape the countries where color revolutions were
    staged ended up in. Novruzov said the Azerbaijani parliament should
    send an appeal to US Congress and the US embassy in Baku over such
    irresponsible statements. Zahid Oruj, deputy chairman of Ana Vatan
    party, recalled that such statements have been made in the past. He
    further called on Washington to heed attention to the Garabagh
    problem. If the U.S. is supporting democracy-building in Azerbaijan,
    it would be good to start with Garabagh. The reality of occupation
    is dealing a blow to democratic development in the country, said
    Oruj. He added that comparing Azerbaijan with Belarus and Armenia
    means belittling Azerbaijan.*