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Erdogan's Visit To Tehran Raises Questions Over Turkish Foreign Poli

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  • Erdogan's Visit To Tehran Raises Questions Over Turkish Foreign Poli

    Emrullah Uslu

    Jamestown Foundations che=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=35670&tx_ttne ws%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=ec6fcda4ec
    Oct 29 2009

    Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan (L) with President of
    Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
    two day official visit to Iran gained the attention of world leaders,
    because soon after his visit to Tehran he was scheduled to visit
    Washington on October 29.

    However, due to his tight schedule, Erdogan's visit to Washington
    was rescheduled until December 7. In late September, when Erdogan
    revealed his plan to visit Tehran, he stated: "I will make a trip to
    Iran towards the end of October... We will discuss regional problems,
    including this [nuclear] one" (Anadolu Ajansi, September 28).

    For some time Erdogan has advocated that Iran should pursue peaceful
    nuclear energy. While defending Iran's right to have nuclear energy,
    Erdogan compares Iran with Israel, which creates a problem for Turkey's
    strategic allies as well as the West. Recently, Erdogan elevated his
    argument to compare Israel's undeclared nuclear weapons and Iran's
    aspiration to have "nuclear energy." During his visit to New York
    to attend the U.N. General Assembly, Erdogan told reporters that
    Iran's nuclear program is not aimed at "military ends" and noted that
    Israel has "nuclear weapons" and has used "phosphorous bombs" against
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. "Why are these not on the agenda? It
    is always Iran... If only Iran is put on the world agenda, then we
    may neglect other issues such as the Gaza [conflict] that should be
    addressed," he said. Erdogan has also urged caution over imposing
    any new sanctions on Tehran, saying that they will not prove useful
    (, September 28).

    Erdogan's visit occurred as Western powers await Tehran's decision on
    the proposal for it to send some of its low-enriched uranium abroad
    for conversion into nuclear fuel, and shortly after U.N. inspectors
    completed checks on the recently-revealed enrichment plant near
    the holy city of Qom (Hurriyet Daily News, October 27). Turkey,
    has sought to help resolve the nuclear dispute between its Western
    allies and Tehran. Thus, it was an important trip for world powers
    to follow and to learn what Erdogan told the Iranian leadership.

    During his visit to Tehran, Erdogan maintained his controversial
    rhetoric by comparing Iran with Israel. In a press meeting following
    his visit with the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Erdogan
    welcomed Iran's stand during talks in Geneva over its nuclear program,
    and said: "In the first Geneva meeting, Iran has presented a sincere
    picture. They said, 'Let's come up with a consensus, work together and
    work with the process within the framework of this consensus.'" U.N.

    Security Council permanent members "all have nuclear arsenals, and
    then there are countries that are not members of the International
    Atomic Energy Agency that also have nuclear weapons," Erdogan said,
    apparently referring to Israel (Hurriyet Daily News, October 27).

    While Ankara is seeking to act as a mediator between Iran and the
    West, Tehran's motivation appears to be based on establishing better
    relations with Turkey to prevent consensus over U.N. sanctions against
    the country. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that
    "Iran and Turkey constantly exchange views on regional issues. I
    believe after Erdogan's visit, the two presidents' meeting will be on
    the agenda. Such meetings are steps to strengthening relations between
    the two countries," the minister said (, October 26).

    With regard to bilateral relations, Turkey and Iran plan a tax-free
    industrial zone on the border between the two countries (Hurriyet Daily
    News, October 20), and signed two symbolic agreements; one of which
    aims to use the Turkish and Iranian currencies for bilateral trade,
    as well as another memorandum of understanding about investment in
    Iranian gas fields (Aksam, October 28).

    Time will tell as to whether these agreements will actually produce
    tangible results. The key issue on Erdogan's mind was to find a way to
    play a bridge building role between Iran and the U.S. in order to end
    Tehran's nuclear ambitions. For that matter, the Turkish press reported
    earlier that Erdogan plans to shuttle between Tehran and Washington
    (Hurriyet Daily News, October 16), yet the Iranian side denies that
    he has such a role (www.cnnturk, October 20). After his visit, asked
    about his role between Tehran and Washington, Erdogan said that he did
    not travel to Iran to play an intermediary role, but rather his visit
    was focused on bilateral, regional and global problems. Erdogan added
    "we have had opportunities to discuss all these issues with President
    Ahmadinejad, and the President of the Iranian parliament Ali Laricani"
    (Cihan, October 28). Yet, State Minister and Chief Negotiator for the
    E.U., Egemen Bagis stated that "Turkey's intermediary role between Iran
    and the U.S. is very critical for world peace" (Zaman, October 28).

    Responding to criticism over whether Turkey might be reorienting toward
    the Middle East, Erdogan said "Turkey is expanding its relations;
    it is not changing its direction. Our axis is obvious. I guess people
    cannot get rid of their Cold War mentality. Turkey may be extremely
    good friends with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Georgia and Armenia,
    with Greece or Bulgaria as well. This is neither against NATO, nor
    can it be considered as a stance against any other country or group of
    countries. We have to eliminate such restrictive paradigms," he said
    (Today's Zaman, October 29). On Turkey's relations with Israel, Erdogan
    noted that Ankara would continue its ongoing bilateral ties with Tel
    Aviv based on the principle of "rightness," and without accepting
    any pressure on its own political will (Today's Zaman, October 29).

    It appears that Turkey is trying to open a window of opportunity by
    seeking to play a mediating role between Iran and the West and expand
    its influence in the region. By signing symbolic gas agreements with
    Iran, Ankara appears to be strengthening its energy cards against other
    gas suppliers and the West, and Iran itself to keep all actors in line,
    which may balance Turkish interests. It is less likely that Turkey
    will make multi-billion dollar investments in Iran's gas projects
    in spite of European and U.S. objections. However, by signing the
    "memorandum of understanding," Ankara may well have prepared the
    ground for possible openings in the future.