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The RA President's Speech At The Annual Meeting Of Diplomats

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  • The RA President's Speech At The Annual Meeting Of Diplomats


    Sept 1 2009

    President Serzh Sargsyan's speech at the annual meeting of diplomats.

    "I do understand all the reasons for concern in some Armenian and
    Artsakh quarters. The Artsakh conflict is the sacred question that had
    taken lives of thousands of our compatriots and we had had complexities
    and those troubles still remain, however we are also proud of this
    chapter in our history. I am sure that any Armenian leader who involved
    in the solution of the Artsakh conflict realizes his responsibility
    for the people of his own, its history and future generations.

    Those of us at another opinion are either not-informed or are just
    staying at small-scale speculation. Artsakh issue is not that one that
    allows small-scale speculation. It's important that you to explain to
    everyone, especially to officials of the countries you are accredited
    in that the resolution of this problem will not take us some days or
    some weeks or even some months. It should be clear to everyone that
    we negotiate on few basic principles of settlement.

    Even thought we come to an agreement many another principles will
    remain open, and then the agreement itself will settle the details
    of application. This is a very laborious process.

    Our main tasks at this stage are to ensure the security of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the framework of the negotiation process
    and reach a correct perception of the problem by the international
    community. The Armenians have struggled for freedom and life, and
    nobody has the right to call Artsakh who defended its right to live
    an Â"aggressorÂ".

    We should always answer to this sharply, confidently and convincing. I
    want to draw an attention of ambassadors accredited in member countries
    of the Islamic Conference to this issue. We must intensify our efforts
    to neutralize the negative impact of adopted resolutions and those
    that are still in process in this Organization.

    On Armenian-Turkish relations.

    As you know the joint settlement on Armenian-Turkish relations was
    published yesterday.

    There are agreed documents released: Â"Protocol on establishing
    diplomatic relations between the both countriesÂ" and Â"Protocol for
    the development of bilateral relationsÂ" which reflect the range of
    achievements to date arrangements.

    I said during our last year's meeting the goals I pursued inviting
    Turkish President to Armenia.

    Armenia came closer to normalization of Armenian-Turkish
    relations. International community awareness increased and commitment
    increased as well. We tried to regulate relations with the neighbor
    adequately using the way that suits to civilized world of the 21

    I think that these protocols provide that opportunities. The projects
    released yesterday reflect three basic facts: 1. As I have repeatedly
    said our negotiations with Turkey and the acquired agreement do not
    contain any preconditions related to the peaceful settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict, or any other problem.

    2. As we have argued the issues of historical perspective of the
    Armenian-Turkish relations should not be discussed by the Commission
    of Historians but in the format of one of the intergovernmental
    commission's subcommittees.

    3. It's the first time in the history of independent Armenia that
    important international documents' signing is going to be preceded
    by public debate.

    That will allow to hear all points and approaches. It is very important
    to me that all of you to be active. You must participate actively in
    these public discussions inside Armenia and in Diaspora.

    You should explain the previously signed protocols' items at all
    positive and controversial components, why not.

    I hope there will be intensive discussions in future inside the
    Armenian communities and international research centers. In this
    regard your task is to provide the necessary platform for meetings
    people sent from Armenia and their presentations as well.

    Dear colleagues, the Foreign sphere is the basic way of our national
    security. It means a very important and responsible mission is on
    your shoulders. The diplomatic representations of Armenia are the
    front doors for Armenia. The foreigners make their first impression
    about Armenia by crossing that door and contacting with you. So the
    formation of positive impressions depends on your level of preparation.

    I have appointed more than 10 ambassadors since I took the office. I
    wish to see the work of the ambassadors as a professional type of
    functioning, the basis of which are your professional skills and your
    devotion to your country and not your own selves.

    Being Armenian diplomat is a great honor; you should deserve that
    honor every second and every minute, you should be responsible for it.

    I wish you success and wish a fruitful year for the diplomatic session.

    Thank you."