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Armenians No Longer Need Recognition

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  • Armenians No Longer Need Recognition


    Sept 1 2009

    In 1915, the Ottoman Turks committed Genocide against the Armenian
    people, resulting in 1.5 million deaths. Three fourths of historic
    Armenian lands were taken over by Turkey, the site of Armenian youth
    forum reports.

    It has been 94 years since the Armenian Genocide and emotions are
    still raw. However, Armenians need to move on from their non-stop
    efforts for the recognition of the Genocide, simply because it has
    already been recognized. Justice must occur as the Turkish government
    must return the properties and possessions it stole from the Armenian
    victims. Reparations must be sought through the courts.

    In recent decades, Armenian-Americans have supported presidential
    candidates on the basis of who they hope would recognize the
    Genocide. Most Armenians do not know that the Genocide has already
    been widely recognized.

    In his article titled, "Armenians Demand Justice, Not Recognition,"
    Harut Sassounian stated: "The House of Representatives has
    already adopted an Armenian Genocide resolution twice in 1975 and
    1984. President Reagan issued a Presidential Proclamation in 1981
    that refers to the Armenian Genocide. More than 20 countries, the
    European Parliament, a U.N. human rights panel, and many genocide
    and holocaust scholars have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide."

    Armenians need to move on from the issue of recognition to the pursuit
    of justice and reparations. The long years that Armenians have spent
    trying to get recognition are over.

    During the Genocide, countless items and properties were stolen from
    Armenians. Armenians who still have the title deeds for lands owned
    by their ancestors should try to reclaim them in court. Article
    530 of International Humanitarian Law states: "Any violation of
    an obligation under international law gives rise to an obligation
    to make reparation. The aim of reparation is to eliminate, as much
    as possible, the consequences of the illegal act and to restore the
    situation that would have existed if the act had not been committed."

    In former Western Armenia, which is now Eastern Turkey, there are
    thousands of Armenian churches. The Turkish government used some of
    these ancient churches for target practice.. Most of the churches in
    Eastern Turkey are severely damaged and falling apart.

    "Turkey - which in 1915 committed Genocide against the Armenian
    nation and has since waged an international campaign of threats
    and intimidation to deny its crime - is, today, in full view of the
    world, destroying the surviving cultural and religious heritage of its
    victims, seeking to erase even their memory from the Armenian homeland
    of four thousand years," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.

    The disrespect shown by the Turkish government towards these churches
    is not acceptable. The Armenian government should demand that this
    cultural genocide end. The government of Armenia and Armenians
    around the world should press Turkey not for recognition but for
    reparations. When the Genocide occurred, the overall financial
    stability of Armenia collapsed. Peoples' life savings, family
    heirlooms, and other properties were stolen.

    For the past 94 years, the Genocide issue has been a highly emotional
    issue for every Armenian. Even though Armenians feel passionate about
    the genocide, it does not mean that they should continue to cry over
    it. It is time to seek justice and reparations.

    Armenians must continue to push for justice. If Turkey had been
    condemned by the international community for its shameful act, then
    maybe Nazi Germany would not have committed the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler
    said in 1939: "After all, who today remembers the extermination of
    the Armenians?"

    By Aram Sassounian (9th grade, Clark High School, Glendale, CA)

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress