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2948 Students Entered Yerevan State University

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  • 2948 Students Entered Yerevan State University

    13:41:56 - 02/09/2009

    The rector of Yerevan State University Aram Simonyan says he is
    satisfied with the results of university admittance this year. Instead
    of the estimated 2466 students 2948 have been admitted. The reason
    is that in 2010-2011 schools will not have school-leavers and all the
    universities will face serious financial problems. This is the reason
    why many universities, having opportunities, admitted more than they
    were going to admit. The Ministry of Education has given permission
    to introduce pre-bachelor programs.

    Simonyan noted that the number of student preferring natural sciences
    dropped, which is very worrying. The government must work out a
    program of assistance to prevent this. In particular, in chemical and
    ecological departments the number of students is below the number
    of government scholarships. According to the rector, the reason
    is the state of the chemical industry. The number of applicants
    keeps decreasing year over year in the departments of physics,
    mechanics even though Armenia has a nuclear plant. Biology is not
    popular either. Applicants are less interested in French and German
    languages. Schools are to blame for this. Many schools where German
    or French are taught are shifting to English, says Aram Simonyan.

    There are problems connected with refreshment and imrpovement of
    staff. There is a problem of enhancement of education quality, job
    procurement for university graduates. According to Simonyan, the
    establishment of branches of state universities in the regions is a
    positive phenomenon. For example, Yerevan State University has a branch
    in Ijevan, which keeps a large number of young people living there.