16:25:51 - 02/09/2009||soc iety&pid=15051
In your opinion, what is government? What are the mechanisms of its
formations and its functions?
Let me start saying that during previous interviews my friends have
given very good answers to this questions, let me try too. First, a
country has to assume its role of a servant, in other words, the model
of democratic society which we have chosen is a model of servant. In
other words, I have to be sure that the taxes paid by commercials
are being used for pensions or budgets for poor people, that our
borders are well defended from enemies etc, etc. And a governmental
member is a guarantee. This is some kind of commerce: you give your
vote and your security is ensured in exchange. Now we have just the
opposite. Now the citizens serve the government. After Soviet period,
we hoped that we would have rights for vote, free economic relations,
protection of borders and so on, but factually, our country secures
only the protection of borders but not fully. The defense of border
was also secured by the Soviet government and with higher quality,
in fact today we may register that nothing is changed.
How would you comment on the essence of government and its structure
in Armenia?
It is a government composed of several oligarchic servant families for
whom the word "Armenia" is an empty sound, let alone "democracy" or
"freedom". There is total complaint just this complaint has to reach
its peak. Maybe on September 18 or later, however, it will reach. It
cannot go on this way because assassins cannot be in freedom for long.
After all, apart from social problems there are also questions
on human self-esteem. All of us have to struggle, you with your
journalism, artists with the help of their art, to reach uncontrollable
Are problems of the state and the government the same?
State and public questions are the same when the society participates
in them too. In our case, they are not, because the society
participates in almost nothing. The society is just a taxpayer and
our state recalls a medieval social system. We have a state today,
but it serves for a certain range.
What kind of government would you like for our country?
I would like it to be a servant, in other words, the mayor served
the city, the head of a village- the village and the president-the
interests of the society. But our president rather presets the
interests of external forces than those of its state and society. We
come out not to participate not only in the formation of government
of our country but also in its relations with the external world.
During these years, the Armenian society has been knocked out three
times. First: Robert Kocharyan's arrival, second-October 27, third-
National Assembly full of oligarchs which is Robert Kocharyan's
project. Let us remember what happened in Martinique isle when
the law on equality was adopted, the white planters asked for
English protectorate and told them that when the point is about the
preservation of their capital, the word "France" becomes an empty
sound. And if in case of France they lost some far colony in the
Atlantic Ocean, our "white planters" are in the National Assembly for
whom the word "Armenia" is just a sound. Now a situation is created
where there is a question of preserving the capital. And they proved
that they may remove "Ararat" from the national emblem of Armenia
because the Turkish president demanded in case Levon Ter-Petrosyan was
accused of being pro-Turkish when he was saying that the borders have
to be open, in case Zaruhi Postanjyan was presented as a betrayer
because of her behavior as a real political figure. I think they
would judge Postanjyan by the rules of inquisition if they could. In
other words, our rich men (I call our government rich men) are like
children who may change their mind every five minutes.
In your opinion, how can the public return its right to form
By political education. The thing Levon Ter-Petrosyan is doing
during rallies, what the HAK and the whole oppositional movement is
doing. Everyone should understand that these rich men are not expedient
for them. You remember, for being included in the Republican ticket
for Mayor, one of them killed the other and was let free. This was a
bright example for their own party to understand that this situation
is dangerous for them too. I think everyone should start struggling
Is the society aware of governmental decisions? And does it participate
in taking them?
It is aware. But the society is having a phase of despair. Many
think that Levon Ter-Petrosyan failed so there will be no change of
government and there nothing may be done against these people because
in order to preserve their capital they will even use arms.
But freedom is not easy and it has never been easy to struggle for
it. HAK has chosen its own way of struggle-the constitutional one. It
is possible to win because Armenia faces a situation of being or not
being and everyone will join the oppositional field little by little.
In fact, the meaning of our struggle against foreign leaders was that
now we have them inside our country today. In other words, we do not
struggle for freedom but for nationalities. In this case the question
occurs, what the difference between a home and foreign slaver is.
Does the Armenian government correspond to the challenges and problems
present in Armenia and in the world?
The only thing I can say for sure is that the Armenian government
serves the world very well. It is phenomenal; it satisfies Russia as
well as the West and now also Turkey. Perhaps only Azerbaijan is not
satisfied with Armenia, but I think very soon Armenia will manage to
satisfy it too. For me as a citizen a lot is unknown and unexplained,
because the television serves the very rich men. We did not understand
the necessity to sign that document on April 23.
In your opinion, will everything be idealistic will all the questions
be solved if the HAK comes to power?
The term idealistic does not work in politics, but nevertheless there
is Levon Ter-Petrosyan, whom I have been following since 2007, and
he controls everything. I believe Levon Ter-Petrosyan's actions and
I believe he will be able to set up a system. Once he stated that 3
years are needed to form a new system. He has been proving with his
steps that he is able to do it, and if he fails a new oppositional
movement, a new struggle will start.
16:25:51 - 02/09/2009||soc iety&pid=15051
In your opinion, what is government? What are the mechanisms of its
formations and its functions?
Let me start saying that during previous interviews my friends have
given very good answers to this questions, let me try too. First, a
country has to assume its role of a servant, in other words, the model
of democratic society which we have chosen is a model of servant. In
other words, I have to be sure that the taxes paid by commercials
are being used for pensions or budgets for poor people, that our
borders are well defended from enemies etc, etc. And a governmental
member is a guarantee. This is some kind of commerce: you give your
vote and your security is ensured in exchange. Now we have just the
opposite. Now the citizens serve the government. After Soviet period,
we hoped that we would have rights for vote, free economic relations,
protection of borders and so on, but factually, our country secures
only the protection of borders but not fully. The defense of border
was also secured by the Soviet government and with higher quality,
in fact today we may register that nothing is changed.
How would you comment on the essence of government and its structure
in Armenia?
It is a government composed of several oligarchic servant families for
whom the word "Armenia" is an empty sound, let alone "democracy" or
"freedom". There is total complaint just this complaint has to reach
its peak. Maybe on September 18 or later, however, it will reach. It
cannot go on this way because assassins cannot be in freedom for long.
After all, apart from social problems there are also questions
on human self-esteem. All of us have to struggle, you with your
journalism, artists with the help of their art, to reach uncontrollable
Are problems of the state and the government the same?
State and public questions are the same when the society participates
in them too. In our case, they are not, because the society
participates in almost nothing. The society is just a taxpayer and
our state recalls a medieval social system. We have a state today,
but it serves for a certain range.
What kind of government would you like for our country?
I would like it to be a servant, in other words, the mayor served
the city, the head of a village- the village and the president-the
interests of the society. But our president rather presets the
interests of external forces than those of its state and society. We
come out not to participate not only in the formation of government
of our country but also in its relations with the external world.
During these years, the Armenian society has been knocked out three
times. First: Robert Kocharyan's arrival, second-October 27, third-
National Assembly full of oligarchs which is Robert Kocharyan's
project. Let us remember what happened in Martinique isle when
the law on equality was adopted, the white planters asked for
English protectorate and told them that when the point is about the
preservation of their capital, the word "France" becomes an empty
sound. And if in case of France they lost some far colony in the
Atlantic Ocean, our "white planters" are in the National Assembly for
whom the word "Armenia" is just a sound. Now a situation is created
where there is a question of preserving the capital. And they proved
that they may remove "Ararat" from the national emblem of Armenia
because the Turkish president demanded in case Levon Ter-Petrosyan was
accused of being pro-Turkish when he was saying that the borders have
to be open, in case Zaruhi Postanjyan was presented as a betrayer
because of her behavior as a real political figure. I think they
would judge Postanjyan by the rules of inquisition if they could. In
other words, our rich men (I call our government rich men) are like
children who may change their mind every five minutes.
In your opinion, how can the public return its right to form
By political education. The thing Levon Ter-Petrosyan is doing
during rallies, what the HAK and the whole oppositional movement is
doing. Everyone should understand that these rich men are not expedient
for them. You remember, for being included in the Republican ticket
for Mayor, one of them killed the other and was let free. This was a
bright example for their own party to understand that this situation
is dangerous for them too. I think everyone should start struggling
Is the society aware of governmental decisions? And does it participate
in taking them?
It is aware. But the society is having a phase of despair. Many
think that Levon Ter-Petrosyan failed so there will be no change of
government and there nothing may be done against these people because
in order to preserve their capital they will even use arms.
But freedom is not easy and it has never been easy to struggle for
it. HAK has chosen its own way of struggle-the constitutional one. It
is possible to win because Armenia faces a situation of being or not
being and everyone will join the oppositional field little by little.
In fact, the meaning of our struggle against foreign leaders was that
now we have them inside our country today. In other words, we do not
struggle for freedom but for nationalities. In this case the question
occurs, what the difference between a home and foreign slaver is.
Does the Armenian government correspond to the challenges and problems
present in Armenia and in the world?
The only thing I can say for sure is that the Armenian government
serves the world very well. It is phenomenal; it satisfies Russia as
well as the West and now also Turkey. Perhaps only Azerbaijan is not
satisfied with Armenia, but I think very soon Armenia will manage to
satisfy it too. For me as a citizen a lot is unknown and unexplained,
because the television serves the very rich men. We did not understand
the necessity to sign that document on April 23.
In your opinion, will everything be idealistic will all the questions
be solved if the HAK comes to power?
The term idealistic does not work in politics, but nevertheless there
is Levon Ter-Petrosyan, whom I have been following since 2007, and
he controls everything. I believe Levon Ter-Petrosyan's actions and
I believe he will be able to set up a system. Once he stated that 3
years are needed to form a new system. He has been proving with his
steps that he is able to do it, and if he fails a new oppositional
movement, a new struggle will start.