04.09.2009 02:00 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA)
will display Marsha Nouritza Odabashian's exhibition, "In the Shade
of the Peacock: Parables, Watercolor Paint Boxes, and Other Work in
Diverse Media," in ALMA's Contemporary Art Gallery in Watertown from
September 13 through October 11.
Odabashian's exhibition features a range of oil paintings on canvas
and panel, acrylic on panel, and mixed-media assemblages.
"In the Shade of the Peacock" addresses the formal tensions between
borders and interiors, literal and perceived depth, and representation
and abstraction. Themes of memory, dislocation, imagination and
nostalgia unite the works varied by explorations of the relation of
contemporary art and culture to a diverse heritage ranging from T'oros
Roslin, Giotto and Botticelli to more recent stylistic traditions.
04.09.2009 02:00 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA)
will display Marsha Nouritza Odabashian's exhibition, "In the Shade
of the Peacock: Parables, Watercolor Paint Boxes, and Other Work in
Diverse Media," in ALMA's Contemporary Art Gallery in Watertown from
September 13 through October 11.
Odabashian's exhibition features a range of oil paintings on canvas
and panel, acrylic on panel, and mixed-media assemblages.
"In the Shade of the Peacock" addresses the formal tensions between
borders and interiors, literal and perceived depth, and representation
and abstraction. Themes of memory, dislocation, imagination and
nostalgia unite the works varied by explorations of the relation of
contemporary art and culture to a diverse heritage ranging from T'oros
Roslin, Giotto and Botticelli to more recent stylistic traditions.