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ANKARA: Details Of Turkey, Armenia Protocols

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  • ANKARA: Details Of Turkey, Armenia Protocols


    Anadolu Ajansi
    Sept 1 2009

    Ankara, 1 September: Turkey and Armenia agreed on Monday to establish
    diplomatic relations and exchange diplomatic missions.

    Following Swiss-mediated talks, Turkey and Armenia agreed on the
    "Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between The
    Republic of Turkey and The Republic of Armenia" which will be signed
    after six weeks of consultations.

    With the protocol, Turkey and Armenia are confirming the mutual
    recognition of the existing border between the two countries as defined
    by the relevant treaties of international law, and emphasizing their
    decision to open the common border.

    The two countries are reconfirming their commitment, in their bilateral
    and international relations, to respect and ensure respect for the
    principles of equality, sovereignty, non-intervention in internal
    affairs of other states, territorial integrity and inviolability
    of frontiers.

    Turkey and Armenia have also condemned all forms of terrorism, violence
    and extremism irrespective of their cause, pledging to refrain from
    encouraging and tolerating such acts and to cooperate in combating
    against them.

    Full text of the protocol is as follows:

    "The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia,

    Desiring to establish good neighbourly relations and to develop
    bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and other
    fields for the benefit of their peoples, as envisaged in the Protocol
    on the development of relations signed on the same day,

    Referring to their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations,
    the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe,

    Reconfirming their commitment, in their bilateral and international
    relations, to respect and ensure respect for the principles of
    equality, sovereignty, non-intervention in internal affairs of other
    states, territorial integrity and inviolability of frontiers,

    Bearing in mind the importance of the creation and maintenance of an
    atmosphere of trust and confidence between the two countries that will
    contribute to the strengthening of peace, security and stability of the
    whole region, as well as being determined to refrain from the threat
    or the use of force, to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes,
    and to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms,

    Confirming the mutual recognition of the existing border between the
    two countries as defined by the relevant treaties of international law,

    Emphasizing their decision to open the common border,

    Reiterating their commitment to refrain from pursuing any policy
    incompatible with the spirit of good neighbourly relations,

    Condemning all forms of terrorism, violence and extremism irrespective
    of their cause, pledging to refrain from encouraging and tolerating
    such acts and to cooperate in combating against them,

    Affirming their willingness to chart a new pattern and course for
    their relations on the basis of common interests, goodwill and in
    pursuit of peace, mutual understanding and harmony,

    Agree to establish diplomatic relations as of the date of the entry
    into force of this Protocol in accordance with the Vienna Convention
    on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and to exchange Diplomatic Missions.

    This Protocol and the Protocol on the Development of Bilateral
    Relations between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia
    shall enter into force on the same day, i.e. on the first day of the
    first month following the exchange of instruments of ratification."