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  • Analyse


    Sept 4 2009

    At 31, August night Armenia and Turkey with Swiss participation
    announced an agreement to normalize their diplomatic bilateral ties,
    and the "roadmap" after being the focus of Armenian and Turkish society
    and a number of world power centers last few months, clarified the
    details of the diplomatic relations establishing.

    The events of September marked a simple and important phenomenon:
    the initiative policy pursued by official Yerevan has its real
    results. However, World Powers which have their own interests in
    region are awaiting and are pressing Turkey in order the populist
    statements to be carried out.

    It looks like analysts who thought Turkey would manage to turn the
    process to make it inconvenient for Armenia or to make Armenia
    to fall into an unconventional situation were wrong. Moreover,
    everything carried out exactly the opposite. In fact, after Serzh
    Sargsyan's statement when the information-analytical field calm down,
    it became clear that the statement was not only the kind, it was a
    clear political message directed to the different sides and especially
    to Ankara.

    By the way, after the documents decelerated it may be said the PM
    of Turkey fall into the unconventional situation after his loyalty
    oaths to the "Jr. Brother". "Until Armenia doesn't sign the agreement
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan on Karabakh conflict, no final ties
    will be carried out" - he has told. "We can work preliminary in the
    direction of signing the agreement with Armenia, but it ultimately
    depends on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict".

    Erdogan himself has changed his position and he makes another statement
    according the Armenian-Turkish relations. In particular, he says:
    "A number of important events are coming and it is definitely there
    is a progress in Armenian-Turkish relationships. However, without
    parliamentary approval no one signed document could have legal force".

    Turkey rules turning point in its policy which lead her to a new role
    in the region, new partnership with countries she traditionally had
    a tense relationship and never hold them among Turkish or Azerbaijani

    The policy of isolation no longer justified itself nowadays. Ankara
    has made a political decision to go on building relations with Armenia
    to provide her own interests.

    Turkey received a brilliant opportunity to establish and consolidate
    its position in the region and to increase its geopolitical weight
    in the strategic games of superpowers. Azerbaijan must not disturb it.

    This point was confirmed by Erdogan's top Adviser who noted that the
    establishment of diplomatic relations with Armenia would continue
    irrespective of whether the Karabakh issue resolved or not. "If even
    the Karabakh issue is not resolved, Turkey will continue its efforts
    to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia", - Hussein Chelik said

    Now we can say that sounded statements indicate significant changes
    in the geopolitical climate of the region when the former opponents
    and competitors are trying to establish the foundation for cooperation.

    On the one hand it concerns the plane of Russian-Turkish relations,
    on the other hand - the Armenian-Turkish relations. However,
    we should remember that in order to keep friendly relations with
    Azerbaijan, Turkey at least formally and on public fields will relate
    Armenian-Turkish relations with the Karabakh conflict.

    By the way, Turkey has already taken some steps. The Foreign Minister
    of Turkey A. Davudoglu wrote to the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey
    Lavrov and asked Russia to accelerate the process of resolving the
    Karabakh conflict.

    It is clear that, on the one hand, Turkey tries to solve the
    "Jr. Brother's" problems. And it tries to withdraw from the situation
    of statements made before, on the other side.

    Energy programs and the opening of communication routes that follow
    such a complex processes, create a situation where the South Caucasus
    is changing the geopolitical significance of the region.

    Countries that have traditionally been in isolation will receive
    completely a new status and positive implications.

    According to the communication functions it is possible Georgia to
    meet with serious problems. These difficulties stem by the war in
    august and the future reopening of Armenian-Turkish border.

    Therefore Azerbaijan and Georgia will be at unfavorable situation
    because Azerbaijan had enjoyed blockade to deal its strategic problems,
    and Georgia did the same in economy.

    Thus, the processes of nowadays will be many stages and will reflect
    not only inter-state goals, they will depend on the strategic, energy
    and geopolitical interests of the superpowers.

    All these will determine the future security and stability of the