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To Make Turkey Say "No"

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  • To Make Turkey Say "No"


    Sept 4 2009

    The records about the development of bilateral relations between the
    Armenian and Turkish Republics allow everyone to comment on it in
    their way; today said the political scientist Levon Meliq-Shahnazaryan.

    "The protocol is unacceptable for us, those imperative verbs "you must,
    you have to", starting by them ending with the issue concerning the
    boarders are unacceptable. The name of Kars treaty is not mentioned
    there but one can see the continuation of the treaty consequences, and
    the Kars treaty is an illegal treaty", - mentioned Meliq-Shahnazaryan.

    The political scientist Alexander Manasyan mentioned that there is
    mentioned indirectly about the Kars treaty when they speak about the
    internationally recognized treaties. In the same time he said that
    the Karabakh issue is distorted just as the name of Kars treaty is
    not mentioned.

    "Turkey should think that it is in his interests and Armenia that it
    is in its. The document has no relation with the NKR, that's true,
    but I do not exclude that Turkey in the future will use it as a means
    of discussing also the NKR issue",- said Manasyan.

    Meliq Shahnazaryan is waiting for an activation in the progress of
    Karabakh issue and is also sure that Turkey will blackmail and will
    make it a lever of depression as a result of which will make depression
    over Armenia and Artsakh.

    "The one who is gaining a profit should be an expert too, we should
    do everything possible for Turkey not to verify this document. The one
    who will first say no will lose", - assured the political scientist.

    "These type of documents are being written and then the process starts,
    we should be flexible. It's a fight of thoughts", - announced Manasyan.