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Armenia Plans To Build 115 Small Hydropower Plants

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  • Armenia Plans To Build 115 Small Hydropower Plants


    September 4, 2009

    A senior official of the Armenian Ministry of Energy and Natural
    Resources told ARKA that some 115 small hydropower plants will be
    built in Armenia.

    Daniel Stepanian, head of the renewable energy division of the
    ministry, said 70 small hydropower plants are already operating and
    besides 64 licenses have been granted for construction of new plants.

    According to him, apart from that three bigger hydropower plants
    will be constructed- the Shnokh plant with 75 megawatt capacity, the
    Lori-Berd plant-66 megawatt and the Meghri plant -133 megawatt. He
    noted that the government is negotiating a privileged credit from
    World Bank for Lori-Berd hydropower plant.

    Construction of the Shnokh plant is expected to kick off in 2015. As
    for the Meghri power plant it is a joint Armenian-Iranian project to
    be built on the border River of Arax. He said the technical-economic
    study of the project was over and now the turn is for designers.

    He declined to say how much the Meghri power plant may cost saying
    it will be possible only after the design is over.

    The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has to study and approve
    several projects submitted this year calling for construction of 5
    small hydropower plants on Vardenis, Ayrk, Avazan and Getik rivers
    in Gegharkunik province, as well as plants on Debed, Arpa Rivers and
    on Ger-Ger water reservoir in Vayots Dzor province.

    According to official figures, at the beginning of 2009 there were
    70 small operating hydropower plants in Armenia with the aggregate
    capacity of 89 megawatt; generating annually 300 mln KWH a year. The
    bulk of small hydropower plants are in Syunik and Lori provinces.