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March 1 Was An Everyday Act Of Hooliganism?

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  • March 1 Was An Everyday Act Of Hooliganism?

    02:46 pm | September 03, 2009 | Politics

    Representatives of European countries will exchange the electoral
    experience of their countries for three days within the framework
    of the annual conference organized by the "Electoral Authorities of
    Europe" association entitled "Judicial Defense of the Electoral Right"
    being held in Yerevan.

    The guests were welcomed by NA Chairman Hovik Abrahamyan. "Nobody wants
    to lose in the elections. Many people are very tempted to dispute
    the results of the elections whenever they lose in the political
    struggle. There can't be two truths when we talk about political
    parties and in these conditions, the judicial branch of government is
    the only body that can give a final and indisputable conclusion on the
    political parties competing against each other," said Hovik Abrahamyan.

    It is hard to say how much the speech by the association's secretary
    general related to Hovik Abrahamyan's welcoming remarks, but Zoltan
    Totan started his speech by stating that the EAE is an independent,
    non-governmental organization.

    "No government can have an impact on us, but we can't support every
    government in holding free and fair elections. Our slogan is: "Not
    the power of bullets, but ballots".

    Hovik Abrahamyan broke the silence in the hall with his applause and
    left after one or two minutes.

    A press conference was foreseen during today's conference headed by
    president of the RA Central Electoral Commission Gagik Azaryan. Taking
    into account that elections are accompanied with shootings, "A1+" asked
    Azaryan if the current authorities came to power through "bullets".

    "I don't agree that our elections are held through shootings. Our
    elections are held normally. True, we do see some hooligan acts in
    some cases, but they are no different from other days when there
    are elections and votes when you look at in general," said the CEC

    So, March 1 had nothing to do with the elections? Was it an everyday
    act of hooliganism? In response, Azaryan said:

    "You said that you were going to ask one question. This is already
    the second question. Thank you."