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Cyprus always supports Armenians

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  • Cyprus always supports Armenians

    Information-Analytic Agency, Armenia
    Sept 5 2009

    Cyprus always supports Armenians

    18:10 / 09/05/2009Cyprus always supported Armenians and backed in
    their struggle for the recognition of Armenian Genocide, stated Marios
    Garoyian, the President of Cyprus House of Representatives, at the
    conference dedicated to Armenian Genocide issues in Beirut.

    At the `Armenian Genocide and International Law' conference Garoyian
    said: `Regardless whether committed at wartime or in peace, Genocide
    is a crime to be punished in accord with international law. Despite,
    the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
    Genocide provides effective international sentence, appeal to the
    Convention is the first step that should be taken.'

    Garoyian added that Turkey tried arduously to refute the fact of
    Genocide committed by Ottoman Turkey.